Soil with coarse textures and low levels of organic carbon, consequently, generated greater lightness values than in soils with finer textures and higher contents of organic matter. The analysis used in this study confirms the multivariate relationships and the outcomes pointing to this direction. Finally, in relation to soil organic carbon content effects on lightness, this research had discovered the same relationship found by Konen et al.

This could be caused by the joint migration of the clay and Iron formed in the slope soils. The higher duration of the annual dry period at altitudes of less than m, higher temperatures with the consequent rising in dehydration of the Iron forms, could be the factors of this greater reddening [ 13 ]. This result is also consistent with the finding through the Munsell Soil Colour Chart that indicates the hues for overall samples were YR Yellow-Red which were influenced by high concentration of Iron oxides in studied area.

Iron oxides can reflect the surrounding of the environments in which they are formed and are considered as colouring agents for most of slope soil samples. Curi [ 12 ] stated that in the soil systems, hematite, goethite and probably maghemite which are classified under Iron oxides are the main pigmenting agents in influencing soil colour.

The hues that indicate stable slope are between 2. From the findings it can be concluded that the yellowish colour for most of the unstable slope soil samples are caused by a yellow to brown iron oxide mineral called goethite.

Generally, these soils have lower iron contents extracted by the sulphuric acid digestion than the other. That occurs either because the parent material had a low iron content or because iron was removed from the soil by percolating water.

Due to the yellower colour, it is relatively easy to distinguish the horizons for instance the red colour dominance for most of the stable slope soil samples are due to hematite and a dark red due to iron oxide. The content of iron oxides extracted by Non-ferric Red Oxisols are quite variable in texture, which ranges from medium to very clayey.

The parent material for these soils is very variable and ranges from sandstones to pelitic rocks, with the major requirement being relatively high iron content. In addition, with respect to the overall soil samples, the conditions of slope are essential in influencing the chroma values in such a way that the stable slopes has a slightly high chromatic value than the unstable slopes.

As was stated before, this is interrelated to the larger amount of Iron formed in the stable slopes which might be caused by modification and illuviation of slope structure. This means that the colour of the texture becomes more uniform as the contents of these minerals increases, which may be attributable to the processes of reduction and enlargement.

Regarding to the relationship between soil properties, the study had identified that soil texture, total organic carbon TOC , Iron oxide and Aluminium concentration were strongly interrelated with soil colour variables at the studied areas.

It is also recommended that in order to explain and detect the colour of slope soils, the function and availability of lightness-darkness as an analytical factor should be highlighted, together with the amount of Iron oxides. The correlative relationships between chromaticity variables and soil erosion suggest that all these properties may potentially be used as an indicator of slope failure.

These findings should be used to trigger further investigation of the reasons or sources for the failure of the slope soil and an assessment made of the potential risks to humans or the environment if the failure continues. Through this study it showed that the weakening of the slope soil properties occurred mostly due to erosion effect towards the existing soil properties.

Consequently, serious attention should be emphasised on each slope along the highways particularly the unstable slopes in order to reduce harmful effects. Most of the landslides occurred during the rainy days when the soil is relatively wet. It would require special preventing strategies such as slope levelling, terracing and practicing in planting suitable vegetation in slope areas.

Vegetation and slope stability are interrelated by the ability of the plant life growing on slopes to both promote and hinder the stability of the slope.

The relationship is a complex combination of the type of soil, the rainfall regime, the plant species present, the slope aspect, and the steepness of the slope. Any study of soil properties should take serious attention towards any vegetation above the slope area as this factor is crucial in influencing the loss of several nutrients. Planting vegetation will increase the organic carbon in soil thus the ions of organic carbon will bind with ion in clay and hydrogen in soil.

These reactions will strengthen the soil structure. Knowledge of the underlying slope stability as a function of the soil type, its age, horizon development, compaction, and other impacts are the major underlying aspect of understanding how vegetation can alter the stability of the slope.

Our study did take note of vegetation, but for future studies, a more thorough study with regard to the vegetation of the areas in conjunction with certain soil properties would be interesting to be highlighted.

The research findings showed that unstable slope was more likely to occur if there is no plant life growing on the top of soil. The less vegetation growing in the soil the more likely that erosion will happened.

Vegetation can protect the soil from the impact of the rain and slows down the infiltration process. Plants with deeper roots are better at holding the soil together and protect it from erosion. But the mass of rock continued up the walls of the valley and buried them. The avalanche killed people. Changes in Hydrologic Characteristics - heavy rains can saturate regolith reducing grain to grain contact and reducing the angle of repose, thus triggering a mass-wasting event. Heavy rains can also saturate rock and increase its weight.

Changes in the groundwater system can increase or decrease fluid pressure in rock and also trigger mass-wasting events. The valley runs along the bottom of a geologic structure called a syncline, wherein rocks have been folded downward and dip into the valley from both sides see cross section below. The rocks are mostly limestones, but some are intricately interbedded with sands and clays. These sand and clay layers form bedding planes that parallel the syncline structure, dipping steeply into the valley from both sides.

Fracture systems in the rocks run parallel to the bedding planes and perpendicular to bedding planes. The latter fractures had formed as a result of glacial erosion which had relieved pressure on the rocks that had formed deeper in the Earth.

Some of the limestone units have caverns that have been dissolved in the rock due to chemical weathering by groundwater. Furthermore, the dam site was built near an old fault system.

During August and September, , heavy rains drenched the area adding weight to the rocks above the dam. On October 9, at P. The slide mass was 1. As the slide moved into the reservoir it displaced the water, forcing it meters above the dam and into the village of Casso on the northern side of the valley.

Subsequent waves swept up to meters above the dam. Although the dam did not fail, the water rushing over the dam swept into the villages of Longorone and T. Vaiont, killing 2, people. Waves also swept up the reservoir where they first bounced off the northern shore, then back toward the Pineda Peninsula, and then back up the valley slamming into San Martino and killing another people.

The debris slide had moved along the clay layers that parallel the bedding planes in the northern wall of the valley.

A combination of factors was responsible for the slide. First filling of the reservoir had increased fluid pressure in the pore spaces and fractures of the rock. Second, the heavy rains had also increased fluid pressure and also increased the weight of the rock above the slide surface. After the slide event, parts of the reservoir were filled up to m above the former water level, and even though the dam did not fail, it became totally useless.

This event is often referred to as the world's worst dam disaster. In this area the rocks have been folded into a synclinal structure with rock layers dipping gently toward the Pacific Ocean. Rocks near the surface consist of volcanic ash that has been altered by chemical weathering to an expanding type clay called bentonite.

Below these altered ash layers are shales that are interbedded with other thin volcanic ash layers that have been similarly altered to bentonite clay. The area had the appearance of an earth flow, with a very hummocky topography with many enclosed basins filled with lakes.

Prior to the s the area had been used for farming. In the s demand for ocean views led to the development of the area as an upscale suburb. But, no sewer system was available, so wastes were put into the ground via septic tanks. In the area began moving down slope toward the ocean. Rates of movement were fastest several months after the end of the winter rainy season and slowest during the summer dry season.

In the next three years the earthflow moved as much as 20 meters, but in the processes the expensive homes built on the flow became uninhabitable. Movement was caused by a combination of wave erosion along the coast removing some the mass resisting flow, added water due to the disposal of wastes, watering of lawns, and rainfall causing the bentonite clays to expand and weaken, and by the added weight of development on top of the flow.

A landslide, therefore, is a process that changes a slope from a less stable to a more stable state. No subsequent movement will occur until changes take place which, once again, affect the balance of opposing forces see Figure 2. In general the resisting strength of material decreases as the clay content rises. Clay slopes, therefore, are particularly prone to landsliding. Slides also often occur on slopes developed in a combination of impermeable fissured clays overlain by massive, well-jointed cap rocks of limestone or sandstone.

The ultimate cause of all landsliding is the downward pull of gravity. The stress imposed by gravity is resisted by the strength of the material. A stable slope is one where the resisting forces are greater than the destabilising stresses and, therefore, can be considered to have a margin of stability. By contrast, a slope at the point of failure has no margin of stability, for the resisting and destabilising forces are approximately equal.

The quantitative comparison of these opposing forces gives rise to a ratio known as the "factor of safety" F :. The Factor of Safety of a slope at the point of failure is 1.

On slopes of similar materials, progressively higher values represent more and more stable situations with greater margins of stability. In other words, the higher the value the greater the ability of the slope to accommodate change before failure occurs.

These changes are usually divided, for the sake of convenience, into internal and external groups. External changes increase the stress placed on slope-forming materials, while internal changes reduce or weaken their resistance to movement. The majority of landslides are, therefore, the product of changing circumstances or alterations to the status quo High-Point Rendel.

The shear strength of a material depends upon both the nature of the material itself and the presence of water in fissures and pores. A slope is only as strong as its weakest horizon, often a clay. Clays such as the Gault Clay which contributes to landslip problems in several British Study Areas are known as brittle materials because once they have been subject to more than the maximum stress they can withstand and have failed, further displacements are possible at lower levels of stress.

In other words the shear strength of the clay declines from a peak value to a lower residual value. Water content has a major influence on reducing shear strength, not because of lubrication, as is often stated, but due to the fact that water in the ground exerts its own pressure which serves to reduce the amount of particle to particle contact. Within saturated horizons the pore-water, therefore, bears part of the load by exerting an upthrust or buoyancy effect known as pore-water pressure.

Although soil or rock particles can resist both normal and tangential shearing forces, fluids can support compression forces but cannot resist shearing forces. Therefore, friction or resistance to movement depends on the difference between the applied normal stress and the pore-water pressure. This difference, or the part of the normal stress which is effective in generating shear resistance, is known as the effective stress.

Reactivated failures in which movement occurs along pre-existing shear surfaces where the materials are at residual strength. The importance of this distinction is that once a slide has occurred it can be made to move under conditions that the slope, prior to failure, could have resisted. In other words reactivations can be triggered much more readily than first time failures. As slope movements are the result of changes which upset the balance between resistance and destabilisation, the stability of a slope is often described in terms of its ability to withstand potential changes see Figure 2.

Stable ; when the margin of stability is sufficiently high to withstand all transient forces in the short to medium term excluding excessive alteration by human activity;. Marginally stable ; where the balance of force is such that the slope will fail at some time in the future in response to transient forces attaining a certain level of activity; and.

This perspective makes it possible to recognise that the work of destabilising influences can be apportioned between two categories of factors on the basis of their role in promoting slope failure. Preparatory factors which work to make the slope increasingly susceptible to failure without actually initiating it ie cause the slope to move from a stable state to a marginally stable state , eventually resulting in a relatively low Factor of Safety;.

Triggering factors which actually initiate movement, ie shift the slope from a marginally stable state to an actively unstable state. When considering the actual cause of landsliding this relative simplicity gives way to complexity as there is a great diversity of cause or factors. In broad terms, however, they can be sub-divided into internal causes which leads to a reduction in shear strength and external causes which leads to an increase in shear stress Figure 2.

It is not uncommon for ground movements to be caused by anthropogenic influences. In this way, the overloading of a slope by buildings and embankments, excavations without protection mechanisms on a slope during construction works, the raising of the level of groundwater, dynamiting, the inappropriate use of primary material or unsuitable allocation of land can all increase the ground movement hazard.

Anthropogenic effects can also contribute to long term destabilisation of the slope, in relation to other activities like deforestation, insufficient forest management, over-grazing, intensive exploitation and denuding of the land. Many classifications of ground movements have been proposed based on criteria such as the mechanism of the movements, the composition of the materials, the speed of the processes or the mechanisms of release.

The fall process starts with the disaggregation of rocky or loose material on a steep slope along the length of a surface on which only a few detached movements have developed. The flow process for example earth flow results from the continuous movement of a superficial ground area quickly leaving the detachment zone, in a compact way to start with, but not generally keeping this compact character.

The distribution of speeds within the moving masse is similar to that of a viscous flow. These principal types of movements, including those that often produce progressive transition mechanisms, can result in different forms of failure see Figure 2. In the case of falls the displaced material, which detaches itself from the bedrock dependant on the discontinuity surfaces dip, schistosity, fissures or fractures , travels most of its distance in the air.

The phenomena can be classified in three categories: stone and rock falls, falls in the strict sense and collapses. In general, these can be subdivided into three areas: detachment zone; transition zone and accumulation zone.

This process is the main feature of the continual degradation of a rocky cliff, determined by geological conditions, exposure and weathering. It is only possible to estimate the volume of rocky material that is potentially at risk of falling through detailed studies of the rock.

When describing stone or block movements it is useful to distinguish between the rebound and rotation phases. Forests play a very important role in that the kinetic energy of most blocks is greatly reduced by their impact against the trees. During a fall a large volume of rock, breaking up quite intensely, detaches itself from the bedrock in a block and falls. In exceptional cases, considerably larger volumes can fall. In practice, detailed studies of the bedrock, involving a deep analysis of the spatial orientation of discontinuity surfaces, are required in order to estimate the volume of rock presenting a potential risk of falling.

See Plate 2t. The initial mechanism can be explained, for example, by the development of an inclined slide surface. The trigger for collapse is determined by the topography and also by the interaction between the components of the collapsed mass and their intense fragmentation. Because of the great volume involved, collapses can permanently change the landscape.

These enormous collapsed masses often form natural barriers in mountain valleys, obstructing watercourses and creating a dam; if there is a catastrophic breach of the barrage, there is a possibility of flooding for the regions downstream.

In the case of a topple there is a forward rotational element in the detaching rock mass. The rock mass is usually found to be leaning forward in it's original position and on failure rolls forward breaking up as it travels downslope.

The shearing of layers occurs when the tips of inclined or even sub-vertical rock layers topple down slope under the effect of gravity.

Internal variations in the composition and structure of rocks can significantly affect their strength. Schist, for example, may have layers that are rich in sheet silicates mica or chlorite and these will tend to be weaker than other layers. Some minerals tend to be more susceptible to weathering than others, and the weathered products are commonly quite weak e.

The side of Johnson Peak that failed in Hope Slide is made up of chlorite schist metamorphosed sea-floor basalt that has feldspar-bearing sills within it they are evident within the inset area of Figure The foliation and the sills are parallel to the steep slope.

The schist is relatively weak to begin with, and the feldspar in the sills, which has been altered to clay, makes it even weaker. Unconsolidated sediments are generally weaker than sedimentary rocks because they are not cemented and, in most cases, have not been significantly compressed by overlying materials.

This binding property of sediment is sometimes referred to as cohesion. Sand and silt tend to be particularly weak, clay is generally a little stronger, and sand mixed with clay can be stronger still. The deposits that make up the cliffs at Point Grey in Vancouver include sand, silt, and clay overlain by sand. As shown in Figure Glacial till — typically a mixture of clay, silt, sand, gravel, and larger clasts — forms and is compressed beneath tens to thousands of metres of glacial ice so it can be as strong as some sedimentary rock Figure Apart from the type of material on a slope, the amount of water that the material contains is the most important factor controlling its strength.

This is especially true for unconsolidated materials, like those shown in Figure Granular sediments, like the sand at Point Grey, have lots of spaces between the grains. Those spaces may be completely dry filled only with air ; or moist often meaning that some spaces are water filled, some grains have a film of water around them, and small amounts of water are present where grains are touching each other ; or completely saturated Figure Unconsolidated sediments tend to be strongest when they are moist because the small amounts of water at the grain boundaries hold the grains together with surface tension.

Dry sediments are held together only by the friction between grains, and if they are well sorted or well rounded, or both, that cohesion is weak. Saturated sediments tend to be the weakest of all because the large amount of water actually pushes the grains apart, reducing the mount friction between grains.

This is especially true if the water is under pressure.

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How effective is Random Drug Testing? In a word: Very. Deterrent — If you are an employee subject to random testing, and you are not willing to pay the price if you fail, then you are less likely to use. Employee health — Random drug testing often detects employees who have a drug problem and need help.

We have a number of clients that treat it that way. What if an otherwise good employee fails a random drug test? Some employers think about this up front. We help our clients deal with this issue frequently. Reasons to drug test The most common times companies conduct drug tests are pre-employment, post-accident, reasonable suspicion and random.

Twitter LinkedIn Email. About the Author: Tim Thoelecke. Tim Thoelecke is the founder of InOut Labs. This website or its third-party tools process personal data. Manage consent. Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.

Necessary Necessary. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Functional Functional. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Performance Performance. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors.

Analytics Analytics. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Advertisement Advertisement. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Others Others. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Testing Methods and Procedures All testing will be conducted by a licensed independent medical laboratory, which will follow testing standards established by the state or federal government.

Refusal to Test Employees who refuse to submit to a test or who adulterate, dilute or otherwise tamper with a test specimen will be subject to immediate discharge.

Consequences of Positive Test Results If an employee tests positive on an initial screening test, the employee will be temporarily suspended while the confirmation test is being conducted. Only one of the following options should be included in the employer's drug-testing policy:] [Option 1:] A positive test result confirmed by a medical review officer of the laboratory will result in termination of employment in accordance with [Company Name]'s zero-tolerance drug-free workplace policy.

Recordkeeping All records concerning test results will be kept by [Company Name] in medical files that are maintained separately from employee personnel files.

Retesting Employees may request a retest of their positive test results within five working days after notification of a positive test result.

Drug and Alcohol Testing--Employment. You have successfully saved this page as a bookmark. OK My Bookmarks. Please confirm that you want to proceed with deleting bookmark. Delete Cancel. You have successfully removed bookmark. Delete canceled. Please log in as a SHRM member before saving bookmarks. OK Proceed. Your session has expired. Please log in as a SHRM member. Cancel Sign In. Please purchase a SHRM membership before saving bookmarks. OK Join. An error has occurred. From Email.

Following are the most common or widespread:. What are the different methods of drug testing? There are a number of different bodily specimens that can be chemically tested to detect evidence of recent drug use. Although some state laws dictate which types of tests can be used, a number of options are technologically feasible. Other alternative specimens that can be used for detecting the use of selected drugs of abuse include blood, hair, oral fluids and sweat.

These five illicit drugs are:. The typical 8-Panel Test includes the above-mentioned substances plus:. The typical Panel Test includes the 8-Panel Test plus:. Though it might not be wise to publicize detection windows and invite employees who may use drugs to push their limits, when implementing drug testing, it is important to understand them.

For instance, alcohol is absorbed and eliminated more quickly than other drugs. This is why post-accident testing procedures often require testing for alcohol to occur within two hours. Other drugs are eliminated from the system at different rates and thus detectable for different periods of time, often long after the drug's effect has worn off. The following are estimates of the length of time that certain drugs are detectable:.

How does a drug test determine if a person has been using substances? What are cut-off levels and what do they determine? Aside from a breath alcohol test, drug testing does not determine impairment or current drug use.

Rather, drug testing determines a specified amount or presence of a drug or its metabolite in urine, blood or an alternative specimen. There is a minimum measurement applied to drug testing so that only traces of a drug or its metabolite above a specified level is reported as positive. For example, a low cut-off level could cause a positive result from consuming poppy seeds. Other considerations when implementing drug testing.

So ditch your razor and start using a trimmer for a neater finish. Much like your facial hair, your head says a lot about your habits. The same theory is valid for your nails. Supersize Your Sunglasses Taking care of your eyes and the skin around them is a very important step. The area under your eyes ages more quickly than any other part of your skin. To prevent that, continue using a sunscreen every time you go out, start using under eye gels and schedule an eye exam.

As a faster alternative and for more protection, swap your thinly rimmed aviators for oversized frames. Get Serious About Skin Care Whether to make our skin age like a raisin or a fine wine, the choice is ours.

But to achieve the latter, a good skincare routine is a must. A marriage of faiths. A woman's right to enjoy festivals outside of the kitchen! Count: We have sent you a verification email.

To verify, just follow the link in the message. Biben Laikhuram , Anwesha Mittra. Updated: Jul 28, , IST. Women are not alone in this! Men also do care immensely about their looks and indulge in elaborate grooming rituals to enchant women. They spend ridiculous amounts of time studying their reflection in the mirror from various angles, and prefer to keep themselves abreast of the latest skincare products among other toiletries on the market.

Some even love hitting the salon or spa for a luxuriant facial rounded up with a manicure and pedicure. From cosmetic treatments, using hair removal creams to even shaping eyebrows, men have all this and more on their to-do list to get handsomer than their peers. Comments 0. Be the first one to comment. Read All Comments Post a Comment. Visual Stories Right arrow. Entertainment 15 films of Akshay Kumar also crossed the Rs crore mark. Life Style The biggest bookworms ranked as per their Zodiac signs.

Entertainment 10 films getting theatrical releases before the year ends. Use a gentle toner on your T-zone, and finish up with a moisturizer. Oily skin: If your skin tends to be uniformly oily, find a clay-based or drying cleanser. Use a gentle toner everywhere on your face, and finish with a light moisturizer. If your skin feels oily during the day, pick up some face-blotting tissues from the skin-care section of the drugstore and pat them on your skin in the afternoon.

If you have acne, use a salicylic acid face wash and put benzoyl peroxide cream on pimples. If this doesn't help, see a dermatologist. Shave or trim your facial hair. Whether you choose to be clean-shaven or have a beard, the key is taking care to groom your facial hair every day. Wet your skin first, and use a sharp razor and shaving cream. Shaving against the grain that is, in the opposite direction of hair growth, from your jaw to your cheek provides a closer shave but results in more irritation.

If you struggle with ingrown hairs, try shaving with the grain. Manage your beard, mustache, or goatee. Make sure the edges are neat and clean and trim any hair so that it's uniformly long. When you're cleansing your face, pay special attention to scrubbing the skin beneath any facial hair. Groom your eyebrows optional.

You don't have to pluck your eyebrows, but it might help you look a little more well-groomed overall. Here are some basic pointers: Find a good pair of tweezers. The two prongs should meet completely — this will make plucking less painful and more efficient.

Alternatively and pain-freely , you can buy a hair trimmer inexpensively - which is also handy if you have visible nose or ear hair. Use the rest of your face as a guideline. Find a pencil and hold it up to the edge of one nostril, so that the pencil crosses your eyebrow. Hair that runs past the pencil and into the "unibrow" zone over your nose should be plucked.

Do this for the other side as well. Clean up your arches. If your brows still look a bit bushy after you've plucked or trimmed the middle, you can try removing a bit from beneath your arches. Remember, though, to only pluck 'or trim 'beneath your eyebrows — not the hair above the brow. Clean and trim your nails. Every two or three days, when you get out of the shower, take a minute to quickly trim up all 20 of your nails and clean out any dirt from beneath them.

They'll be softer and easier to manage after you've been in the water for a few minutes. Both your fingernails and toenails should be trimmed short, so there's just a thin line of white above the quick. Brush and floss your teeth. Combat bad breath and maintain a pearly-white smile by taking good care of your teeth. Update your toothbrush. Your toothbrush should be replaced once every 3 months, or after you've recovered from a cold or other infectious illness.

If the bristles are starting to splay out, you need a new one. Floss every night. Not only does flossing get plaque and food out of your mouth, but it's also thought to prevent heart disease. Brush your tongue. Your teeth might be sparkling white, but you'll still be saddled with bad breath if your tongue is dirty. Using your toothbrush, make a few light strokes over your tongue whenever you brush.

Don't push too hard, or you'll damage the tissue. Finish with mouthwash. Swish thoroughly for 20 seconds, and spit. Part 2. Have your hair trimmed regularly. Even if you're trying to grow it out, it needs regular cuts to stave off split ends. You can visit a professional stylist, or cut it yourself. Make sure that you or your stylist shaves the hair that grows down the back of your neck. If you're growing out your hair, have the ends trimmed every 4 to 6 weeks.

Even if it's going to be covered, take care to shave the hair that grows down the back of your neck. Wash your hair often. Washing hair every day works for most guys, but you could stretch it to every other day if your hair is particularly dry. Find a shampoo and conditioner that are designed for your hair type - dry, greasy, etc. Buy separate shampoo and conditioner - products that combine shampoo and conditioner don't work as well Ask your hairdresser's advice - they are experts!

If you buy shampoo and conditioner from them, they may be more expensive than regular ones but are probably higher quality. Use hair products optional. You don't have to use a product to style your hair, but many men do. It can help your hair look shinier and healthier, as well as providing more hold and control.

Here are some common products used to style men's hair: Serums or creams. These can help you tame fly-aways or de-frizz curls without making your hair stiff and immovable.

Use hair mousse to add volume and shine to your hair, with minimal hold. For best results, apply to wet hair and allow to dry. Pomade, hair wax, or hair clay. Use these products to mold your hair into difficult-to-achieve shapes, such as pompadours or curls for naturally straight hair. Be aware that it can take several washes to remove these products, so apply them lightly. A pea-sized amount should be plenty if you have short, medium, or thin hair.

Use pomade or hair wax for a shiny, wet look; use hair clay for a matte, natural tone. Unlike pomade, gel contains alcohol that dries out hair and makes for a stiffer hold. For the strongest hold, apply gel to wet hair. Hair glue. Ever wonder how some people get their mohawks to stand straight up?

They're probably using some variation of hair glue, which provides the strongest possible hold. Be wary of product build-up, and wash hair thoroughly. Ask your hairdresser's advice! They will know what doesn't look good. Find a hairstyle that works for you.

Ask your friends what they think. And next time you have your hair cut, ask your hairdresser's advice on hairstyles; also ask whether you should comb it or blow-dry it. You might have to experiment a bit to find out what hairstyle best suits your face and your style, but eventually, you'll settle into a look that works for you.

Consider these options: Part your hair. You can part your hair down the middle, to the side, or not at all. Try it a few different ways and see what you like. Comb your hair in one direction, instead of parting, you can try combing the top of your hair in one way. If it's particularly short, try combing it forward; if it's longer, you could comb it back or spike it up. Again, try out some different styles. If you have longer hair, you can try pulling it back into a ponytail, styling it so that it lands in front of your face, or combing back and tying up just the top section.

Deal with balding optional. If you're balding, it might be best to cut or shave your hair short, so that the difference between the two areas is less noticeable.

Be sure to wash your hair right after exercising, as failing to do so is said to accelerate balding, and give yourself a nice scalp massage every time you shower. Part 3. Always dress well. Yes, every single morning! That way you get the most from your workouts.

If you already have some fitness experience under your belt, be sure to check out this post on how to pick the right workout routine. Diet goes hand in hand with exercise. The two are strongly linked to achieving health goals and by extension, your desire to look handsome. Some men find it helpful to establish a dietary plan that corresponds to their body type. If you are unfamiliar with this approach, be sure to check out this body types for men post to learn more.

Should this describe you, my suggestion is to speak with a nutritionist. A great place to start is the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Visit their website here.

Part of looking handsome means dressing in the right clothes. The chief rule of buying the right clothes is making sure they fit perfectly. Be sure to try clothes on first. Beyond that, I encourage you to opt for the classic wardrobe. Again, the best approach is to think classic and avoid anything overly trendy.

There are tons of options available on the marketplace. See Amazon for pricing. The reality is that stress and anxiety have been clinically shown to accelerate the aging process.

There are more studies on this topic than I can shake a stick at. When your body is under a high degree of stress, you sleep less and eat more. In addition, stress can harm DNA cells that act as your bodies internal chronometer. In other words, your body can end up looking older than it actually is, like a clock that runs fast. When you add it all up, the end result is wrinkles, less attractive skin, weakened bone structure, and a reduced hairline.

You may not be able to completely eliminate stressors from your life, but there are many strategies available for practical coping. It would be nice if a magic wand existed that instantly transformed you into Prince Charming. In the real world, though, that magic wand is good information and tenacious motivation.

I can give you the first part, but the second step is up to you. By following the 10 suggestions listed above, you can do a lot to boost your self-esteem and amplify your handsomeness. If you are looking for more grooming tips, check out my top colognes for men page.

I know that is certainly true for me. Is it any […].

United States. Type keyword s to search. Today's Top Stories. Are Wider Tires Always Faster? You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. Cyclocross racer Samantha Runnels from team Squid x Eliel. Icon Sportswire Getty Images. Related Stories. Paint Like a Pro Milan Celadon 2 - ml. Bike spraybike. Chicago Canvas amazon. Montana Black Ml Code Red. Montana amazon.

Scotch Painter's Tape. Scotch Painter's Tape amazon. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. Simply apply the primer and then sand the primer with some fine-grit sandpaper to smooth the surface further before applying the paint.

My favorite primer is the professional spray primer from Rust-Oleum. It adheres to most surfaces and is very easy to apply. Before you apply any paint to the bike frame it is very important to prepare the surface for painting first. As a whole, it is recommended to sand and clean a bike before painting it but it is not always necessary. Most paints nowadays adhere well enough to a surface that has only been cleaned with rubbing alcohol and that has not been sanded.

But paints will adhere better to a surface that has been sanded. So before you start preparing the bike for painting it is important to note that paint will stick better if the surface was sanded and cleaned before any paint is applied even though it is not always necessary.

The first step is to dismantle your bike. It is very important that you dismantle it strategically. Unfortunately, bikes are assembled slightly differently depending on the brand and the type of bike. But here are some tips that will help you to assemble the bike easier later on if you follow them.

Disassemble your bike on an even surface, for example, concrete, where you can easily find parts that might fall down during the disassembling process. Put all the parts that belong together on one pile. If you have screws or other small parts that are loose then put them in a small plastic bag and tape them to the part of the bike they belong to.

This is the time you can clean, repair, and remove rust on all the parts of your bike. So grab fine-grit sandpaper and start lightly sanding the surface of the bike frame. If you have areas that are rusted then try to remove as much of the rust as possible. When your bike frame has smaller dents or even holes in them then you might want to fix those before you apply any new paint to your bike.

The easiest way to do this is using some epoxy putty. Epoxy putty is a two-part putty that you mix before applying it. It has the consistency of dough.

This is great but if you chemically stip the paint off renolds tubing is there a better way to make the primer stick? Gorgeous job. I just wanted to add what I learned this summer - if you are spraying on the ground you have to get spray paint cans that allow you to paint at any angle, otherwise the object must be about shoulder height so you so you can paint horizontally.

I spray painted some wall sconces this year and I learned that when the can says to spray light coats they mean not to spay a light coat and come back later, but to spray light coats until you have coverage - then come back SOON - in less than an hour, to put your second coat on. But you must wait about a week for the paint to really cure so it can't be scratched off. I actually read the directions which must be printed in about 4 pica.

In my case the lights were black and I used a spay primer white before painting them very red. They look very professional, no one can tell that they didn't come that way. I used a light coating of dish soap to coat the insides so the paint would not stick there.

That did not work at all. Not even a little bit. I had to use and grit wet sandpaper to remove the red paint from the inside of the lights. I think that with a primer you would have needed only 2 coats.

But is just as much work of course. Your bike looks really cool. Introduction: Paint a Bike Frame. By fungus amungus supamoto Follow. More by the author:. About: I like to make things for the internets. I also sell a pretty cool calendar at supamoto. You'll like it. More About fungus amungus ».

So everything that's attached to the frame needs to come off. That's the seat, wheels, chain, derailleur, all that stuff. The fun thing about bikes is that everything you need to remove is pretty clear.

Is there a hole for an allen wrench? Good, use an allen wrench!

I like to use the Lean Planning methodology for strategic plans as well as regular business planning. The actions that you generate from your SWOT analysis will fit right into the milestones portion of your Lean Plan and will give you a concrete foundation that you can grow your business from.

You can download our free Lean Plan template to help you get started. You can find me on Twitter noahparsons. Gather the right people Gather people from different parts of your company and make sure that you have representatives from every department and team. Throw your ideas at the wall Doing a SWOT analysis is similar to brainstorming meetings, and there are right and wrong ways to run them.

Strengths Strengths are internal, positive attributes of your company. What business processes are successful? What assets do you have in your teams? What competitive advantages do you have over your competition? Weaknesses Weaknesses are negative factors that detract from your strengths.

Are there things that your business needs to be competitive? What business processes need improvement? Are there tangible assets that your company needs, such as money or equipment? Are there gaps on your team?

Is your location ideal for your success? Opportunities Opportunities are external factors in your business environment that are likely to contribute to your success. Is your market growing and are there trends that will encourage people to buy more of what you are selling?

Are there upcoming events that your company may be able to take advantage of to grow the business? Are there upcoming changes to regulations that might impact your company positively?

If your business is up and running, do customers think highly of you? Threats Threats are external factors that you have no control over. Do you have potential competitors who may enter your market? Will suppliers always be able to supply the raw materials you need at the prices you need?

Could future developments in technology change how you do business? The more feedback we get the more we will develop this and similar pages for people studying CIPD and other HR and management programmes. Mike is a consultant and change agent specialising in developing skills in senior people to increase organizational performance. How to do a SWOT analysis. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. This site uses cookies. StrengthsThings that are good now, maintain them, build on them and use as leverage. OpportunitiesThings that are good for the future, prioritize them, capture them, build on them and optimize.

ThreatsThings that are bad for the future, put in plans to manage them or counter them. Capability Resources Ownership New entrants Market segments Products Prices Promotion Distribution Substitute products Suppliers customers Product life cycle Risk and cost of intellectual property violation of your product. Strengths willingness of staff to change good location of facility perception of quality of services. Weaknesses staff lack of motivation small building paperwork and bureaucracy cultural differences with users.

Opportunities support of local government high felt need of users little competition internationally funded projects. SO Options training of staff in interactive techniques of quality improvement coordination with other providers to cover all user needs.

WO Options remodeling of facility with local government funds and international help. Threats low income of users bad roads low salaries lack of budget paradigms of providers. WT Options review of procedures for decreasing costs and waiting times and increasing perceived quality. Developed techniques for dealing with major areas of HR, job evaluation, psychometric testing and basic training.

Reactive rather than pro-active; needs to be asked rather than developing unsolicited ideas. New management team, wanting to improve overall organizational effectiveness through organizational development and cultural management programmes.

HR contribution not recognized by top management who by-pass it by employing external consultants. Reliant on specific individuals with key skills and external tools which may change without our control.

Especially now that the school is also becoming an important customer. And think of setting up a website with a delivery service if you notice that customers are not taking the time to come to your store.

You can go one step further when doing a SWOT analysis. By giving the points in your SWOT analysis a relative weight and comparing them. We call the outcome of this a confrontation matrix. This matrix confronts the most important strengths and weaknesses of your company with the most important opportunities and threats from the market.

It shows you the connection between your company and the market. This way you can work out your marketing strategy. In a matrix you put the most important strengths and weaknesses against opportunities and threats. If something has no effect, do not enter anything.

Do the same for the weaknesses. You calculate the total score, so that the most important relationships emerge. Fictitious example of a confrontation matrix source: KVK. Mark the most striking relationships from the confrontation matrix.

Then consider which actions can help your company. How can Jennie's Bookstore make better use of its appealing reading table? How can the bookstore deploy its customer-friendly staff to cope with the web store with delivery?

By formulating these action-oriented questions, your competitive position becomes clearer. Based on this, you determine how your company deals with factors opportunities and threats that you have no influence on.

No two businesses are the same. You need to decide which strategy will work best for your business. These are 4 strategies you can choose, but you may decide upon a mix of two or more:.

Home English Marketing. Using a table to list strengths and weaknesses of your company, and setting them off against the opportunities and threats in the market, you get a clearer view of what you need to focus on.

We'll be together again I've been waiting for a long time We're gonna be, we're gonna be together again I've been connected to the right line. We'll be together And nobody ain't never Gonna disconnect us Or ever separate us Or say to us you've got to. Stand there where you are Before you go too far Before you make a fool out of love Stop! Don't jump before you look Get hung upon a hook Before you make a fool out of love.

Blue Savannah song Oh blue Savannah song Somewhere 'cross the desert Sometime in the early hours In a restless world On the open highway. Blue Savannah song Oh blue Savannah song Racing 'cross the desert At a hundred miles an hour To the orange side Through the clouds and thunder. I'm on my way back And your love will bring me home I'm travelling fast And your love will bring me home Will I discover That your love will bring me home?

Will I discover That your love will bring me home? Somewhere 'cross the desert Sometime in the early hours To the orange side Through the clouds and thunder. Go ahead with your dreaming For what it's worth Or you'll be stricken bound Kicking up dirt For when it's dark You never know what the night it may bring.

Go ahead with your scheming And shop at home You'll find treasure While cooking up bones But the knife is sharp You'd better watch that you don't cut your hands. And they covered up the sun Until the birds had flown away And the fishes in the sea Had gone to sleep. Holy Moses our hearts are screaming Souls are lifting only dreaming We'll be waiting some are praying For a time when no one's cheating.

The sunlight rising over the horizon Just a distant memory the dawn chorus Birds singing bells ringing In our hearts in our minds. I'm crazy flowing over with ideas A thousand ways to woo a lover so sincere Love and hate what a beautiful combination Sending shivers up and down my spine.

For every Casanova that appears My sense of hesitation disappears Love and hate what a beautiful combination Sending shivers up and down my spine. And the lovers that you sent for me Didn't come with any satisfaction guarantee So I return them to the sender And the note attached will read How I love to hate you I love to hate you I love to hate you I love to hate you.

Oh you really still expect me to believe Every single letter I receive Sorry you what a shameful situation Sending shivers up and down my spine.

Ooh I like to read a murder mystery I like to know the killer isn't me Love and hate what a beautiful combination Sending shivers make me quiver Feel it sliver up and down my spine. And the lovers that you sent for me Didn't come with any satisfaction guarantee So I return them to the sender And the note attached will read How I love to hate you I love to hate you.

And the lovers that you sent for me Didn't come with any satisfaction guarantee So I return them to the sender And the note attached will read How I love to hate you I love to hate you I love to hate you I love to hate you I love to hate you I love to hate you. I would go out every night Looking for someone to treat me right Not a chance not a hope in this world. I wasn't jealous before we met Now every woman I see is a potential threat And I'm possessive, it isn't nice You've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice.

But now it isn't true Now everything is new And all I've learned has overturned I beg of you. It was like shooting a sitting duck A little small talk, a smile, and baby I was stuck I still don't know what you've done with me A grown-up woman should never fall so easily.

Don't go wasting your emotion Lay all your love on me Don't go sharing your devotion Lay all your love on me. I've had a few little love affairs They didn't last very long and they've been pretty scarce I used to think I was sensible It makes the truth even more incomprehensible.

If you change your mind, I'm the first in line Honey I'm still free, take a chance on me If you need me, let me know, and I'll be around If you've got no place to go, when you're feeling down. If you're all alone when the pretty birds have flown Honey I'm still free, take a chance on me Gonna do my very best and it ain't no lie If you put me to the test, if you let me try.

We can go dancing, we can go walking As long as we're together Listen to some music, maybe just talking Get to know you better. You wanted to leave me there, afraid of a love affair But I think you know, that I can't let go. Oh you can take your time baby, I'm in no hurry I know I'm gonna get ya You don't wanna hurt me, baby don't worry I ain't gonna let ya.

Let me tell you now: my love is strong enough To last when things are rough, it's magic! You say that I waste my time, but I can't get you off my mind No I can't let go, 'cause I love you so. Coming in If you like what you're seeing take a chance with me You won't be grabbed if you're feeling horny Well you're perfect so you got to know this precious property I know the lads, so cold musically Nobody sits, understand me clearly However hard you try you could never hold me We all fix nice it up and just move freely Special K - what he says so listen carefully Me not sit all alone and just wait for the phone Not call me up cause me never, never home Ya, machine on cause we get a wrong one Matthew Mark, mister Paul, mister Luke and John If we like what we see we chance a situation Nothing don't pay nothing maybe see what follow on What a Jill may do if the right man come Hey ride the boat now we just have a little fun Go now!

Baba-ba-ba-ba, baba-baba-ba-baba Honey I'm still free, take a chance on me Gonna do my very best and it ain't no lie If you put me to the test, if you let me try. People everywhere A sense of expectation hanging in the air Giving out a spark 'Cross the room your eyes are glowing in the dark. Take it now or leave it Now is all we get Nothing promised, no regrets Voulez-vous? Ain't no big decision You know what to do La question c'est voulez-vous?

I know what you think The girl means business, so I'll offer her a drink Feeling mighty proud See you leave your table, pushing through the crowd. When it's cold outside Am I here in vain?

Hold on to the night There will be no shame. Always I wanna be with you And make believe with you And live in harmony harmony oh love. Melting the ice for me Jump into the ocean Hold back the tide I see Your love in motion. Always I wanna be with you And make-believe with you And live in harmony, harmony oh love.

Weep for me the sands of time will fill the ocean Keep with me and like a roller on the ocean Stand by me and I will fill you with devotion Walk with me the inner reaches of emotion. Log in now to tell us what you think this song means. Create an account with SongMeanings to post comments, submit lyrics, and more.

Log in. Lyrics Artists add. Chains Of Love song meanings. Add Your Thoughts 6 Comments. General Comment I'm a huge Erasure's fan and this song is one of their most infectious moments, whose lyrics aren't necessarily gay at my pov. Actually I sincerely think most Andy Bell's lyrics always let 'straight' interpretations and it's not different with Chains Of Love. It's simply a song about not leaving yourself to be caught by the chains of love since you would be losing many chances for knowing another interesting people.

But, of course, nobody owns such a control about feelings, specially love, a unbreakable one. Well, that's just my opinion. No Replies Log in to reply. There was an error. General Comment I completely agree with Circusjuggler.. Because healthy love should not make you feel "chained". It's about breaking bad cycles,so future generations can have healthy relationships.

I was a huge Erasure fan in Jr. General Comment This is arguably the gayest song ever written. Akasha on March 15, Link. Assuming you meant gay as in sexually and not just bad, i never really got that, despite them being an openly gay band. I think this song is a catchy and upbeat and, like a most of their songs, have a fairly universal theme that can be applied to many people regardless of sexual preference.

BekkaZ on July 17, If you want one of the gayest sexually songs of all time check this one out.

Hey there! I am a National Board Certified teacher with 17 years of experience in the classroom. I created Clutter-Free Classroom to support busy elementary teachers like you! Of course I do! How to Decorate the Classroom of Your Dreams in This blog post will answer the following questions: What is the best and easiest way to decorate my classroom? How do I decorate my small classroom?

How do I decorate my room for special events? The Best Way to Decorate a Classroom Here is the best and easiest system for how to decorate the classroom: Phase One: Plan Browse the list of classroom themes and classroom color schemes , pick one or two, and purchase it or them or join the Elementary Classroom Decor Collection , which includes all of the themes and color schemes.

Sketch out a plan for your room either on paper or map it out on your computer. Consider getting inspiration from Instagram and Pinterest for your bulletin boards. Also, get tips and ideas for how to decorate a classroom bulletin board. Make a list of items and supplies you need. For example, you might have a reading corner, a math wall, a word wall, a history timeline, and a science corner.

Method 2. Use wrapping paper to make a cover for your door or bulletin board. Get a large roll of wrapping paper and roll out a piece large enough to cover your door or bulletin board.

Cut out holes for the doorknob and window if your door has one. Then, use masking tape to attach the paper to the door or staples to attach it to a bulletin board.

You can normally find butcher paper at the supermarket or craft store in white, brown, black, and occasionally seasonal colors like red, green, or yellow. Create borders and frames using colored masking tape.

Whenever you hang posters or pictures, or decorate a bulletin board or your door, use a roll of masking tape to make a straight or zig zag border. Simply rip off the length that you need to cover one side, and smooth it out with your hands in a straight or zig zag line. Once you have the frame made, trim the edges of each piece to complete the frame or border. Make paper whirligigs to hang from the ceiling. Whirligigs are a fun and easy classroom decoration that kids can make themselves.

Decorate a few colored paper plates, and then cut them in a spiral pattern starting from the outside to the center of the plate. Punch a hole in the center and use a string or ribbon to hang the whirligigs from the ceiling. You can update the decorations in your room and the students will be able to see their whirligig on display! Craft a paper circle welcome banner for the front of the room. Then, punch one hole on the left and right sides of the circle, and string a piece of ribbon through the holes to make the banner.

You can hang the banner above the doorway or even on your door. Write your classroom rules and objectives on a poster for your room. Every room should have a set of clearly defined classroom rules that are visible to the students. Additionally, your state might require that you display objectives for student learning or standards for students to meet. Make the posters colorful and interesting to fit in with the rest of your classroom decor.

Make sure you cover these up during quizzes or exams, if necessary. This is especially important if the posters may contain answers. In a science classroom, you can hang up posters that demonstrate proper lab behaviors and lab rules. Decorate the walls with pictures that correspond to the class subject. Make sure each of the decorations on your wall has a purpose, since too much decoration can be distracting. Choose quotes, inspiring figures, and class-related images to decorate the walls and encourage students to be interested in the class.

Then, have the students help you hang up their picture under their name and talk about it with the class. Method 3. Some schools give teachers a small budget for decorating, while others require them to use their own money.

Decide on the amount of money you feel comfortable spending on materials and decorations. Often, the school will only provide a certain amount of these items, and the teacher will be required to purchase any additional items.

Keep in mind that even with a small decorating budget, you can still make your classroom an exciting and welcoming environment for your students. Visit discount stores to get deals on decorating supplies. Buying construction paper, tape, and markers can get pretty expensive. Check out discount stores like dollar stores, and look in the clearance section of the craft store to get these items on sale. Head to the craft store a few days after the holiday has passed to get deals on themed decorations for next year!

Print pictures from the internet to hang on your walls. Posters and pictures can be extremely expensive, but most teachers have access to a printer. Look at your class plan for the year and find images of important ideas, figures, and topics throughout the year. Then, print them all out and trim the borders before hanging them on the walls with tape.

I inserted these into page protectors, and then hung them up where my students would see them every day. You can find these templates here! I remember being overwhelmed with my blank bulletin boards my first year of teaching. Some stayed empty for entire years because I never found the time or ideas to design them. Google puns and memes, print them out, add a punny saying, and there you have it: A pun-derful bulletin board! All you need are some post-it notes to create this incredible interactive bulletin board.

Simply write motivational quotes and compliments on the sticky notes and place them on the board. Encourage students to take a sticky note whenever they need it.

If you want, you can even allow students to jot down happy quotes and add to the collection with your approval. This one is not easy. In fact, it takes forever. You can find this fadeless paper at your local teacher store or on Amazon affiliate link. I have a tutorial saved on my Instagram story highlights if you want to see the process of covering my wall! I hope these tips help you create a space that you and your students love!

If you would like to see more photos of my classroom and gain insight on my design process, check out this post on my flexible seating. For more tips, pics, and tutorials, head to my Instagram! Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email.

Notify me of new posts by email. Avoid displays of student scores or grades. Many teachers use data walls to motivate students, and while they can work for high performers, they can backfire for struggling students, leading to feelings of shame and demoralization Marsh et al. Let in natural light. Students who are exposed to more natural light in their classrooms outperform peers who get less natural light in math and reading Cheryan et al.

Balance wall colors. Developing Brains While decorating walls is a favorite pastime for many teachers, young children may not respond as teachers hope. Classrooms should look lively but not chaotic, with 20 to 50 percent of the wall space bare. Courtesy of Amy Mileham Classrooms should look lively but not chaotic, with 20 to 50 percent of the wall space bare.

Do you represent this celebrity? Yes No. What is your relation to Wesley Snipes? What type of Rep you are Manager Agent Publist. What information would you like to update? Close Submit change request. Add as your client? Yes Cancel. Wesley Snipes Agent Name:. View Contacts. Wesley Snipes Manager Name:. Wesley Snipes Publicist Name:. Huntersville, NC United States. We promote concerts on a monthly basis, and use Bookingagentinfo. I signed up for Booking Agent Info because I was having a hard time finding management and publicist info for artists that I wanted to interview for the publication that I write for.

At first I was really skeptical about things, I didn't know if the site was trustworthy. But I'm really glad I signed up! Rather than taking the time to dig through the internet, I can just go to Booking Agent Info and its all there for me. The site is very straightforward and any information I need is easy to search for. Other male celebrities born on the same day as Wesley Snipes. Mark Cuban Green Novak An American actor, stand-up comedian, screenwriter, author, and director who is most widely known for being a writer and executive producer of The Office, in which he also played Ryan Howard.

Geoffrey Lewis Important to know is that we are not claiming to be the management of Wesley Snipes. We are not the official agent for Wesley Snipes. Companies from around the globe book these artists and speakers true our company be course we have one of the biggest networks and we always have direct contact with the artist or the management.

We help you to find the right celebrities for your corporate of private events. For example, click on a company to see the address, phone and fax number plus a list of employees who work there.

Then click on an employee's name for his or her address, phone, fax number and email address, plus a list of all celebrities he or she represents. Then click on a celebrity's name for his or her contact info.

He then appeared in many films, TV series, music videos, a made-for-television film, and a video game. He has also participated in professional wrestling, best known for his involvement in the Royal Rumble and induction into the WWE Hall of Fame in Dirty Jokes and Beer: Stories of the Unrefined highlights his early life and career.

Contact a speaker booking agent to check availability on Drew Carey and other top speakers and celebrities. Book Drew Carey for your Next Event. Last Name. Postal Code. Event Location. Event Date. NOTE: If you do not have the budget for this talent, please use our library to find profiles within your range. Include as many details possible, ie. Please enter code here. Related Headliner Talent you might also consider Bill Engvall. George Lopez. Jeff Dunham. Jay Leno. Lily Tomlin.

Jeff Foxworthy. Our Service CTI is a celebrity booking agency for paid events. We do not handle media requests, interviews, represent this talent, and can not give out any contact information.

Not a Fan Site CTI will not give out direct celebrity contacts, relay messages or ask celebrities for donations on your behalf. Remember CTI cannot help on talent who will donate their fees for benefits. If you are seeking further information regarding accessibility or have any accessibility issues regarding The Price Is Right, please contact us at the following:.

Skip Navigation Accessibility Contact. Win At Home! But I'm really glad I signed up! Rather than taking the time to dig through the internet, I can just go to Booking Agent Info and its all there for me. The site is very straightforward and any information I need is easy to search for. With Bookingagentinfo. It has also saved me time by providing me with the right person to talk to.

I've been able to get in contact with representation for celebrities and am finding it much easier to get interviews for our podcast thanks to Booking Agent Info. You can hire and book Drew Carey by contacting the official agent of Drew Carey. Drew Carey agent will be able to provide you with availability and pricing. You can get the contact details for Drew Carey agent in our database. Getting in touch for media inquiries You will want to get in touch with the press team of Drew Carey.

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You can get the fee to book Drew Carey for an event, endorsement, or any type of business engagement through Drew Carey's agent. Booking Agent Info provides booking price estimates, but you would contact the agent to get official pricing.

Michael J. Willett Contact Information Actors. Daniel Moncada Contact Information Actors.

DVC contracts last a long time. Will you still want to go to Disney World every year, 25 years from now? If your lifestyle changes, you get tired of Disney vacations, or you suffer financial reverses, the dues can become a burden. Realistically, there is a reason why there are always DVC resales available: people do get in over their heads, or just change their minds. When she became a member, she had small children and went to Disney World every year.

The single biggest reason people sell timeshares is that they can no longer afford the membership fees, which inevitably go up and up. Given the success of DVC, there is every reason to expect that additional resorts will be built, with later and later expiration dates. On the other hand, there is a major advantage in your DVC membership having an expiration date: eventually you can get out of it! Most other timeshares are sold in perpetuity , which is not, in our opinion, a benefit: it just means the membership fees will never, ever end , so you are stuck paying those fees forever unless you can sell the membership or are willing to stop paying and let it be repossessed and potentially take a hit to your credit rating.

Generally only the newest resorts are available for immediate purchase directly through Disney. For popular, small resorts like Beach Club or Grand Californian, the waiting lists can stretch for several years. For bigger resorts like Saratoga Springs, you may be able to get points immediately or within a few weeks or months. You can purchase a contract at any DVC resort from current owners who want to get rid of their memberships, through the resale market.

Be sure to research before making your offer, so that you have a reasonable expectation of actually getting the contract. Most of the time, an offer that low will be taken by Disney under its right of first refusal. If you just want to buy into DVC as quickly as possible so you can start using it right away, buying direct from Disney is usually the best bet. Disney expedites the deed recording process and you can usually get a reservation as soon as you sign the paperwork, even before the deed is officially recorded with the state.

If you want to pay the lowest amount possible, buying resale is usually the best bet. You just have to understand that the process can be slow, sometimes frustratingly slow. With a resale, you first have to find a good contract. If you want a specific size at a smaller resort, it can take some time for one to come up. Once you find one and make an offer, the seller may decide to take a different offer, and then you have to wait for another one to come along.

Once the offer is accepted, it has to be sent to Disney for them to decide whether to exercise their right of first refusal, followed by the titling and deed recording process. Disney then needs to get you registered as a member in their system. If Disney does take the contract back via right of first refusal, it costs you nothing, but now you have to go back to the beginning and find a new contract to make an offer on.

We can tell you from personal experience that the process can feel maddening. Another difference between buying direct and resale is the ease and cost of financing.

Disney has their own lending arm, so they can get you financing very quickly and easily, whereas financing a resale purchase can be a little trickier. There are third-party timeshare lenders, and some of the resale companies can help facilitate the process of taking out a loan with one of them.

To be honest, the costs of financing a DVC membership, no matter who you take the loan with, strike us as far too high. If you do decide to finance the purchase, evaluate all possible options first before just taking the Disney financing. Keep in mind, though, that there are lots of point contracts available on the resale market, but very few that are really small or really large.

Important note: newly purchased resale points do not have all the same privileges as points purchased directly from Disney. In addition, members who only own points purchased resale after April 4, are also not eligible for most ancillary perks like Annual Pass discounts and dining and merchandise discounts.

People who own at least points purchased direct from Disney, or purchased via resale before April 4, , are still eligible for the various discounts. And finally, resale DVC points purchased after January 19, cannot be used to book at the newly built Riviera Resort unless they are Riviera Resort points , and points for the Riviera Resort that were purchased via resale will only be eligible for booking at the Riviera resort, not other DVC resorts.

Presumably these same restrictions will be applied to any new resorts built in the future. Again, the internet is your friend. See if you can track them down on social media. Ask them for references from past renters. Many have offered to be a reference after a positive experience. Pay for your DVC rental with a credit card that offers some level of protection. Consider purchasing a travel insurance policy that covers a potential cancellation outside of your control, such as a medical issue. Some DVC rental sites offer a paid insurance plan, as well.

Sign up for our daily newsletter. Sign up. I would like to subscribe to The Points Guy newsletters and special email promotions. The Points Guy will not sell your email. Please enter a valid email address Please check mailing preferences. Sign-up Successful! Welcome to The Points Guy! You can find him hosting the Miles to Go podcast and eating doughnuts on Twitter and Instagram. The top 7 new tourist attractions around the world. Earn 3X Miles on Delta purchases and purchases made directly with hotels.

Earn 2X Miles at restaurants worldwide, including takeout and delivery and at U. Earn 1X Miles on all other eligible purchases. Receive a Domestic Main Cabin round-trip companion certificate each year upon renewal of your Card. Baggage charges and other restrictions apply. See terms and conditions for details. Enjoy your first checked bag free on Delta flights. You will use these DVC points as if they were all part of a single package.

We get it. Maybe you bought a contract from the Polynesian , but you want to have priority booking access to the new Riviera Resort that just opened. The points will renew at the same time, but booking can be tricky.

When it comes time to book a vacation, you will still only have a seven-month booking window. Multiple Use Years can be really useful. Especially if you plan to visit Disney more than once a year and have very specific dates in mind. For instance, perhaps your family does a trip to Disney every spring, but you would also like to start a new tradition of seeing the New Year fireworks from Bay Lake Tower on January 1st.

You will almost definitely need the full month booking window of a December Use Year at Bay Lake Tower if you hope to book that stay each year. In this case, multiple Disney Vacation Club accounts make sense and will actually help you to make the most of your membership. Note that unlike multiple contracts at the same home resort, if you choose to sell your DVC points packages of different resorts, they cannot be combined into a single deed for the buyer.

The two contracts will be sold independently. If you own multiple Disney Vacation Club memberships more than one membership number Disney gives you a limited ability to transfer points between accounts. However, some say that the rule is lenient. DVC is, however, firm on the restriction that only points for the immediate year can be transferred. Despite increased awareness, no one has yet discovered a way to break the DVC add-on frenzy.

However, there are some useful tools to help feed your hunger for DVC points. Create an account on our website to receive the latest Disney Vacation Club listings of your choice as soon as we post them. This is the best way to snatch up the point package and Use Year that you have been searching for.

You can also call us at to get in touch with a Licensed Real Estate agent. We have over 20 years of experience in timeshare resales, and have been the Recommended Resale Broker for Disney Vacation Club for over 15 years.

She specializes in writing, editing, search engine optimization, as well as graphic design and digital marketing. Mia's past experience is diverse, with a history of interning at UCF's own literary magazine, blog writing for local nonprofits and making weekly op-ed pieces for The Odyssey.

She has lived in Orlando, Florida for 21 years and enjoys hiking, spending time at her local lake and being with her family. You must be logged in to post a comment. Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email.

Buy Timeshare By Brand. See All Brands. The reservation will be in your name and you will check in at the regular Disney Resort arrival desk. Your room will be assigned to you by the Disney Resort Cast members on your arrival. You will be treated the same as every Disney Resort Guest and you will have access to all of the same amenities and perks afforded to each and every guest staying at a Disney Resort. The biggest difference is: There will be no room bill to pay when you check out unless you charge purchases to your room using your Key to the World Card, Room Card or Magic Band where applicable.

DVC Rentals David's Vacation Club Rentals is the oldest, largest and most trusted source for rentals of Disney Vacation Club Villas, having served hundreds of thousands of satisfied guests and tens of thousands of Disney Vacation Club members, since

Obviously, the acceptability of breaching confidentiality goes back to the magnitude of the threat to the third party. Therefore, the magnitude of the threat should be defined completely to prevent ambiguity and moral complexity. Magnitude of the threat depends on the risk severity. Iran legal system mandates physicians and other hospital staffs to report child abuse and every other type of abuse as well as contagious diseases.

Child abuse or sexual violence causes physical and mental distress in short and long-term. The victims will suffer stigmatization, discrimination and get more sensitive to violation and sometimes become a subject of more violations.

In this situation, the victim regardless of age may seek real protection of health care system especially the physicians. Reporting any case of abuse and disregarding confidentiality in report may diminish the trust and sensitizes the victim to more violations.

In the draft, we differentiate between different types of consents drawn from patients according to the severity of their diseases, for example, consents obtained from incapacitated patients. There is a need, however, to make further investigation into compilation of an ethical guideline for reporting child abuse adapted to our local condition, cultural and religious principles. Adolescents have the right to confidentiality the same as adults. Privacy has an impact on adolescents-physicians relationship and lack of confidentiality could be their major obstacle to seek for healthcare Accordingly, their information should be kept confidential in clinical settings.

For children of less than 18 there would be a challenge as we do not know their degree of maturity consistent with their autonomy and ability to decision making, so keeping their information confidential, putting them responsible, and not informing their parents about their health-related issues would be problematic.

The child who understands the diagnosis was considered and treatment and makes decision as competent enough who has the right to confidentiality From cultural point of view, Iranian children are under full parental support by their parents until marriage and it is likely the parents be present at all occasions in clinical settings with their child. The adolescents who seek health care and report their engagement in high-risk behaviors so they might have concerns about confidentiality The fear of breaching confidentiality is the major reason for not seeking health care in adolescents 22 , 23 especially the high-risk ones Therefore, provision of confidential health care services is necessary for them.

They would provide confidential contraceptive services to adolescents without informing their parents Confidentiality concern can be a reason for waiver of health care and increase the restrictions of confidentiality may decrease health care use in adolescents which has harmful health consequences Considering legal context, application of well-set procedures and requisite relationship with adolescents was necessary for respecting confidentiality and will mitigate obstacles for adolescents to refer to health care system Therefore, modification of administration based on IT security and defining different levels of access for different users is highly recommended.

Because improving computer knowledge has positive effect on complying with IT security, some suggest continued education about confidentiality and continuous inspection for better confidentiality implication Therefore, using smart cards, and saving files as password protected are recommended Some of the challenges we discovered are multidimensional and need more investigations from ethical, legal and social aspects.

Of that confidentiality in relationship with social media, confidentiality in child abuse, designation of system audit, confidentiality in detention setting, and confidentiality after death have not been included in our draft. In fact, this draft is the first ethical guideline to confidentiality in clinical settings to address the most common ethical challenges and the scope of confidentiality; however, compilation of the later drafts for confidentiality in relationship with social media and confidentiality in child abuse is underway.

Of course, some of the other actions are required to set the goal of changes in national laws which are beyond the scope of this study. Respect to confidentiality goes back to respect for autonomy and human dignity. According to Iranian law breaching confidentiality is forbidden while in some occasions in medical practice it is unavoidable. Therefore and based on our results we compiled a guideline to shape ethical decision making when facing with ethical challenges in practice.

So the compiled guideline helps medical professionals to have an ethical approach toward confidentiality. However the multidimensional nature of the challenges of confidentiality in medical practice necessitates further investigations from ethical, legal and social aspects. This study was carried out in collaboration with the scientific group of Philosophy, Ethics, and Biosciences of the Academy of Medical Sciences; we had no financial sponsor for this study.

Conflict of interest. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Iran J Public Health. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Received Mar 14; Accepted Aug This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.

Methods: This study was conducted in three phases including literature review, qualitative study semi-structured interview and focus group discussion. Results: The content analysis of the interviews presented 3 main themes indicating problems in maintaining confidentiality in clinical setting including management issues, organizational ethics and physician-patient relationship.

Conclusion: Based on the results a draft guideline in confidentiality in clinical setting was prepared and finalized in focus groups discussions. Keywords: Confidentiality, Clinical setting, Confidentiality guideline, Medical ethics. Introduction Since Hippocrates, confidentiality has been presented as 1 cornerstone of ethics in healthcare. Data analysis All the interviews were transcribed verbatim more than three times to get familiarize with data through frequent readings and note takings.

Results Phase one: Gap analysis The results of the literature review are summarized in Fig. Open in a separate window. The framework for interview based on the results of literature review. Phase two: Interviews Using a professionally representative sample of clinical specialists including 2 gynecologists, 3 pediatricians, 2 internists and one endocrinologist, this phase was conducted.

Table 1: The challenges of confidentiality in clinical practice. Challenges in Management Insufficient law and lack of regulations have left ethical challenges of management unsolved. Challenges in Organizational ethics The other main problem in our health system is the secure process of electronic health recordings. Phase three: in-depth discussion about themes of interviews through FGD, compiling the preliminary draft of the guideline In the last phase of this study, all categorized challenges guided us to prepare the draft of the ethical guideline for keeping confidentiality in clinical settings.

Discussion Generally, respect to confidentiality has not been maintained along with developments in technology. Conclusion Respect to confidentiality goes back to respect for autonomy and human dignity. Acknowledgements This study was carried out in collaboration with the scientific group of Philosophy, Ethics, and Biosciences of the Academy of Medical Sciences; we had no financial sponsor for this study.

Footnotes Conflict of interest The authors declare that they had no conflict of interest. References 1. Confidentiality: good practice in handling patient. Mechanic D, Meyer S. Concepts of trust among patients with serious illness. Soc Sci Med , 51 5 : — Log-in Members Forums Register. Confidentiality is seen as a fundamental ethical principal in health care and a breach of confidentiality can be a reason for disciplinary action.

Dilemmas around confidentiality arise when the principle of confidentiality is in possible conflict with other ethical principles such as avoiding harm to the patient or others. Issues around confidentiality may be brought to a clinical ethics committee or group in the form of individual cases or in considering hospital policies.

How will you strategize what happens next, e. What if her mother asks what tests you are doing? Is it ever appropriate to violate the duty of confidentiality? If so, under what conditions? Confidentiality is a prima facie duty. It may be validly overridden by more compelling obligations. In such cases one is obligated to violate confidentiality in order to fulfill a stronger obligation.

However, the burden of proof is always on the one who seeks to justify the breaking of a confidence. Confidentiality is limited in cases where others may be harmed significantly if the confidence is kept. Respect for autonomy does not extend to allowing harm to be done to others. Factors to be weighed carefully include the extent and type of harm that has been confided to you rape or murder vs. Will breaking the confidence prevent the harm? Are there any less intrusive alternatives that would prevent the harm and not require breaking confidentiality or some other ethical obligation?

One must always seek an alternative way of dealing with the problem that might allow you to keep confidence. Every effort must be made to get the person's consent to reveal what needs to be revealed. If people are at risk of serious harm and disclosure is necessary to prevent that harm and there is no less intrusive alternative than disclosure, disclosure is justified.

If confidentiality must be broken, only those with an absolute need to know should be given access to that information, and only that information that is needed to prevent harm should be revealed. In most cases, patient should be notified that confidentiality is to be violated.

What are some examples where breaking the rule of confidentiality might be justified? Beyond mandatory reporting, one's duty to protect others when your patient has an infectious disease is usually discharged by warning the patient that they are at risk to others and telling them how they can prevent spread of the disease to others.

When someone says that they are going to hurt someone else Certain conditions that pose a danger to other people and the patient refuses to act responsibly These conditions may include driving under the influence; promiscuous HIV-infected person having unprotected intercourse; an airline pilot with uncontrolled seizures. The patient had an accident and injured a passenger. Laws governing whether reporting of these situations is mandatory vary from state to state.

Child abuse Duties are to the child. To report parents is not to break confidentiality, but to uphold your duty to give priority to the best interests of the child.

State laws require healthcare providers to report suspected neglect or abuse to child welfare authorities. What about harm to self? Is your feeling that the adolescent might harm herself or that she might later regret her decision sufficient reason to break the rule of confidentiality? Adolescents should be encouraged to consult with parents about decisions. If you decide you must break confidentiality, what are your obligations to the adolescent patient?

Notify them of your obligation to make the revelation. Explain the reasons you feel obligated to break confidentiality. Offer an apology that you cannot maintain confidentiality. Offer them the opportunity to make the revelation themselves in your presence. If you decide to maintain the confidentiality of your adolescent patient, what are some of the ways confidentiality may not be maintained?

In this case, the girl was notified that her pregnancy test was positive and persisted in her request that her mother not be told. Does she need to know about other ways her parents may find out about the test result even though you have promised not to divulge that information without her permission? If she is covered by her parent's insurance, they will receive a bill. The bill might be itemized, including some mention of a pregnancy test.

If her parents were to request a copy of her medical records, they would likely receive all of the information it contained. Many offices have no strategy for identifying information in the medical record that the adolescent would have wished to remain private.

Conclusion with Suggestions Have a standard discussion with all adolescents at the beginning of a visit warning of limitations on your ability to maintain confidentiality : "What you tell me here is between you and me.

That bill may have the names of tests that we do today…" If there is no mechanism in place to restrict access to the records of adolescent patients, they should be warned that parents may have access to their records if they request them , and that you may not be able to prevent that possibility even in states that respect minors' desire to have records not be revealed to parents, it may happen inadvertently. Confidentiality and Adolescents 1. Case Discussion This instructor's guide was developed by Douglas S.