How can men look handsome

So ditch your razor and start using a trimmer for a neater finish. Much like your facial hair, your head says a lot about your habits. The same theory is valid for your nails. Supersize Your Sunglasses Taking care of your eyes and the skin around them is a very important step. The area under your eyes ages more quickly than any other part of your skin. To prevent that, continue using a sunscreen every time you go out, start using under eye gels and schedule an eye exam.

As a faster alternative and for more protection, swap your thinly rimmed aviators for oversized frames. Get Serious About Skin Care Whether to make our skin age like a raisin or a fine wine, the choice is ours.

But to achieve the latter, a good skincare routine is a must. A marriage of faiths. A woman's right to enjoy festivals outside of the kitchen! Count: We have sent you a verification email.

To verify, just follow the link in the message. Biben Laikhuram , Anwesha Mittra. Updated: Jul 28, , IST. Women are not alone in this! Men also do care immensely about their looks and indulge in elaborate grooming rituals to enchant women. They spend ridiculous amounts of time studying their reflection in the mirror from various angles, and prefer to keep themselves abreast of the latest skincare products among other toiletries on the market.

Some even love hitting the salon or spa for a luxuriant facial rounded up with a manicure and pedicure. From cosmetic treatments, using hair removal creams to even shaping eyebrows, men have all this and more on their to-do list to get handsomer than their peers. Comments 0. Be the first one to comment. Read All Comments Post a Comment. Visual Stories Right arrow. Entertainment 15 films of Akshay Kumar also crossed the Rs crore mark. Life Style The biggest bookworms ranked as per their Zodiac signs.

Entertainment 10 films getting theatrical releases before the year ends. Use a gentle toner on your T-zone, and finish up with a moisturizer. Oily skin: If your skin tends to be uniformly oily, find a clay-based or drying cleanser. Use a gentle toner everywhere on your face, and finish with a light moisturizer. If your skin feels oily during the day, pick up some face-blotting tissues from the skin-care section of the drugstore and pat them on your skin in the afternoon.

If you have acne, use a salicylic acid face wash and put benzoyl peroxide cream on pimples. If this doesn't help, see a dermatologist. Shave or trim your facial hair. Whether you choose to be clean-shaven or have a beard, the key is taking care to groom your facial hair every day. Wet your skin first, and use a sharp razor and shaving cream. Shaving against the grain that is, in the opposite direction of hair growth, from your jaw to your cheek provides a closer shave but results in more irritation.

If you struggle with ingrown hairs, try shaving with the grain. Manage your beard, mustache, or goatee. Make sure the edges are neat and clean and trim any hair so that it's uniformly long. When you're cleansing your face, pay special attention to scrubbing the skin beneath any facial hair. Groom your eyebrows optional.

You don't have to pluck your eyebrows, but it might help you look a little more well-groomed overall. Here are some basic pointers: Find a good pair of tweezers. The two prongs should meet completely — this will make plucking less painful and more efficient.

Alternatively and pain-freely , you can buy a hair trimmer inexpensively - which is also handy if you have visible nose or ear hair. Use the rest of your face as a guideline. Find a pencil and hold it up to the edge of one nostril, so that the pencil crosses your eyebrow. Hair that runs past the pencil and into the "unibrow" zone over your nose should be plucked.

Do this for the other side as well. Clean up your arches. If your brows still look a bit bushy after you've plucked or trimmed the middle, you can try removing a bit from beneath your arches. Remember, though, to only pluck 'or trim 'beneath your eyebrows — not the hair above the brow. Clean and trim your nails. Every two or three days, when you get out of the shower, take a minute to quickly trim up all 20 of your nails and clean out any dirt from beneath them.

They'll be softer and easier to manage after you've been in the water for a few minutes. Both your fingernails and toenails should be trimmed short, so there's just a thin line of white above the quick. Brush and floss your teeth. Combat bad breath and maintain a pearly-white smile by taking good care of your teeth. Update your toothbrush. Your toothbrush should be replaced once every 3 months, or after you've recovered from a cold or other infectious illness.

If the bristles are starting to splay out, you need a new one. Floss every night. Not only does flossing get plaque and food out of your mouth, but it's also thought to prevent heart disease. Brush your tongue. Your teeth might be sparkling white, but you'll still be saddled with bad breath if your tongue is dirty. Using your toothbrush, make a few light strokes over your tongue whenever you brush.

Don't push too hard, or you'll damage the tissue. Finish with mouthwash. Swish thoroughly for 20 seconds, and spit. Part 2. Have your hair trimmed regularly. Even if you're trying to grow it out, it needs regular cuts to stave off split ends. You can visit a professional stylist, or cut it yourself. Make sure that you or your stylist shaves the hair that grows down the back of your neck. If you're growing out your hair, have the ends trimmed every 4 to 6 weeks.

Even if it's going to be covered, take care to shave the hair that grows down the back of your neck. Wash your hair often. Washing hair every day works for most guys, but you could stretch it to every other day if your hair is particularly dry. Find a shampoo and conditioner that are designed for your hair type - dry, greasy, etc. Buy separate shampoo and conditioner - products that combine shampoo and conditioner don't work as well Ask your hairdresser's advice - they are experts!

If you buy shampoo and conditioner from them, they may be more expensive than regular ones but are probably higher quality. Use hair products optional. You don't have to use a product to style your hair, but many men do. It can help your hair look shinier and healthier, as well as providing more hold and control.

Here are some common products used to style men's hair: Serums or creams. These can help you tame fly-aways or de-frizz curls without making your hair stiff and immovable.

Use hair mousse to add volume and shine to your hair, with minimal hold. For best results, apply to wet hair and allow to dry. Pomade, hair wax, or hair clay. Use these products to mold your hair into difficult-to-achieve shapes, such as pompadours or curls for naturally straight hair. Be aware that it can take several washes to remove these products, so apply them lightly. A pea-sized amount should be plenty if you have short, medium, or thin hair.

Use pomade or hair wax for a shiny, wet look; use hair clay for a matte, natural tone. Unlike pomade, gel contains alcohol that dries out hair and makes for a stiffer hold. For the strongest hold, apply gel to wet hair. Hair glue. Ever wonder how some people get their mohawks to stand straight up?

They're probably using some variation of hair glue, which provides the strongest possible hold. Be wary of product build-up, and wash hair thoroughly. Ask your hairdresser's advice! They will know what doesn't look good. Find a hairstyle that works for you.

Ask your friends what they think. And next time you have your hair cut, ask your hairdresser's advice on hairstyles; also ask whether you should comb it or blow-dry it. You might have to experiment a bit to find out what hairstyle best suits your face and your style, but eventually, you'll settle into a look that works for you.

Consider these options: Part your hair. You can part your hair down the middle, to the side, or not at all. Try it a few different ways and see what you like. Comb your hair in one direction, instead of parting, you can try combing the top of your hair in one way. If it's particularly short, try combing it forward; if it's longer, you could comb it back or spike it up. Again, try out some different styles. If you have longer hair, you can try pulling it back into a ponytail, styling it so that it lands in front of your face, or combing back and tying up just the top section.

Deal with balding optional. If you're balding, it might be best to cut or shave your hair short, so that the difference between the two areas is less noticeable.

Be sure to wash your hair right after exercising, as failing to do so is said to accelerate balding, and give yourself a nice scalp massage every time you shower. Part 3. Always dress well. Yes, every single morning! That way you get the most from your workouts.

If you already have some fitness experience under your belt, be sure to check out this post on how to pick the right workout routine. Diet goes hand in hand with exercise. The two are strongly linked to achieving health goals and by extension, your desire to look handsome. Some men find it helpful to establish a dietary plan that corresponds to their body type. If you are unfamiliar with this approach, be sure to check out this body types for men post to learn more.

Should this describe you, my suggestion is to speak with a nutritionist. A great place to start is the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Visit their website here.

Part of looking handsome means dressing in the right clothes. The chief rule of buying the right clothes is making sure they fit perfectly. Be sure to try clothes on first. Beyond that, I encourage you to opt for the classic wardrobe. Again, the best approach is to think classic and avoid anything overly trendy.

There are tons of options available on the marketplace. See Amazon for pricing. The reality is that stress and anxiety have been clinically shown to accelerate the aging process.

There are more studies on this topic than I can shake a stick at. When your body is under a high degree of stress, you sleep less and eat more. In addition, stress can harm DNA cells that act as your bodies internal chronometer. In other words, your body can end up looking older than it actually is, like a clock that runs fast. When you add it all up, the end result is wrinkles, less attractive skin, weakened bone structure, and a reduced hairline.

You may not be able to completely eliminate stressors from your life, but there are many strategies available for practical coping. It would be nice if a magic wand existed that instantly transformed you into Prince Charming. In the real world, though, that magic wand is good information and tenacious motivation.

I can give you the first part, but the second step is up to you. By following the 10 suggestions listed above, you can do a lot to boost your self-esteem and amplify your handsomeness. If you are looking for more grooming tips, check out my top colognes for men page.

I know that is certainly true for me. Is it any […].


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