Elona what do you wish for

For the in-game function, see Wishing. See also: Japanese Wish List Contents. Categories Development Add category. Cancel Save. Universal Conquest Wiki. At home time is passed normally and you need your own food; you can make it pass quickly if you have a skill book or a training machine. You are unsafe anywhere else, even in town. Even a few turns outside in Etherwind can corrupt you, so seek shelter immediately once it starts. When you get a "lucky day" event from a dream or from eating blessed food, go to a casino.

Bet 1 chip at a time, and quit after 4 wins to receive a guaranteed Cure Corruption potion. They not only revert the symptoms of Ether Disease, but they also can be sold at a very high price. You can also trade them to adventurers for very good equipment or items, specially at the beginning of the game.

You may pickpocket items that weight up to half your Strenght. You can drink a potion of Hero to temporarily boost yours and steal heavier stuff. Pickpocketing trees after a Hunting quest is a safe and easy way to raise Pickpocket if you have the Strenght. If you want to steal something on the ground but there is someone nearby, teleport them away. Stealing from an NPC is much easier if he is drunk or sleeping.

Lighter items take less time to steal, so it's less likely that someone will notice your attempt. Slaughtering every neutral NPC in town can help with pickpockting since there will be less potential witnesses. You want to find a lighter instrument than your piano as soon as possible. Harmonicas are also incredibly light, and gou can get a free horn at the Graveyard east of Lumiest. Stamina is incredibly important for a pianist.

Choose perks that improve it. Never try Party Time requests without carrying your own instrument. Your level is also extremely important when performing. It's much harder to please characters many levels above you. Your positioning when starting to play your instrument during the Party Time quest is crucial. You should both have as many people possible within your field of view, and the highest level of people in it as long as they listen to your music without throwing rocks.

Every NPC spawns on the carpeted areas of a party room; if there are many of these "areas" clustered together, you should stand where you can see all of them and start playing.

Not only their requirements for being pleased are high, but the rocks they throw can easily kill a weak character. Avoid playing around them if you're unsure.

They will, however, accept your performances after your skill reaches about level Always 'R'est at least twice before accepting a Party Time quest, even if you think you don't need it. It's better to play your own lower quality instrument to many people at once than to play the pre-placed pianos to a few in the party room.

NPCs that are "pleased" during a Party Time quest have a star over their heads; only these count toward your final score. If you finish your tune but not many show a star, you might want to try again with the same people.

NPCs give less gold the more you play to them in a row, so it's better to play to several different people instead. Your Speed influences how long you take to finish a performance. Equip speed-boosting items before accepting a Party Time request, so that you can play more times. Carrying Performer-boosting equipment with you and equipping it before playing is a good idea. This can help if your base skill isn't enough to please most NPCs.

Palmia is the city with the highest number of Party Time requests. Most of the money you'll make will come from Party Time! You'll rarely need to play outside of them after the start of the game.

Kill every bard you see once you're powerful enough. They might drop the Stradivarius, the best instrument in the game. The effective range of ranged weapons depends on its type.

There's a page on the in-game help describing that. Don't carry lots of cargo around since it ups the chance of being ambushed by highwaymen. Travelling merchants appear more often on paved roads. If you reach your limit, you'll have to dismiss old pets to get new ones. Letting them die, telling them to wait at town or at your house, or putting them in a ranch or a shop does not free spaces in your "party". Escorted NPCs also count towards your total. They will sell them for their base price and spend the gold improving their skill potentials.

If you have the money, buy all ore items you see and give them to your pets. If you get a delivery quest involving a spellbook, ID it and read all the charges but one.

If you get a wish, wish for "seven league boots". A good second wish is "miromi", for a Secret Experience of Kumiromi, which lets you pick a new perk. Shops refresh every 3 days 7 days in 1. If you ask the wizard to identify all your items at once, there is a slight discount.

Drink acid, poison or dye to abort alien babies if you get "pregnant". Having Superb resistance to Fire and Cold almost always work like blankets, keeping your inventory safe.

Other than food, you can also freely use items on the ground that are not yours. Cursed potions and alcohol induce vomiting. You can dip useless potions and vomit in wells to refill them a little. When they become completely dry, burn them with fire and come back later; they will respawn filled up. You should have protection against mutation and alien pregnancy if you drink from wells frequently.

If you don't want your pets to drink from wells or to eat food on the ground, drop any useless item on them. Buy every bottle of water you see, so you can make blessed water. Always put on equipment that protects you against mutation like a fairy hat before going to sleep. It will negate the "monster dream" most of the time. As a wizard, buy every book of Wizard's Harvest you see. They are the easiest way to get Rods of Wish in the game as of 1. Prostituting yourself is an easy way to make money if your Charisma is decent.

Give a shopkeeper beer since they usually have the most money , talk to him and ask if he's "interested in a little tail tonight". Having sex does spend a lot of stamina, so you should 'R'est at least twice between every time. Also, if you do this frequently, you should buy every cheap blessed healing potion you see, since you might get sick and drinking one may cure you. You should be aware, however, that an NPC can't give you more gold than he has; check a shopkeeper's inventory to see how much they still have.

Jeweller is the best "crafting" skill, as it lets you make scrolls of Change Material with just a few levels. Buy every acidproof and fireproof liquids you see and dip your best equipment in them. Take all bejewelled chests to high-level dungeons before opening them, since the loot quality scales.

The higher the dungeon level, the better. Thus even a chest from a level 1 dungeon might give good loot if you open it in the right place. Never sell treasure maps. It's always better to go and find the treasure yourself. Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism : Several god pets the pet that you get from worshiping a specific god can have gender specific evolution appearance with their own stats. The Exile, god pet of Itzpalt of Element, begins as a hooded figure with three red eyes visible from their shadowed face.

When evolved, male Exile will turn into Dark Demon Dragon - a huge black armored dragon. Female Exile will turn into a Permanent Exile - who while still three-eyed, is otherwise a normal proportioned sagely young woman with Peek-a-Bangs. The Cute Fairy, god pet of Kumiromi of Harvest, is a small green-haired, dragonfly-winged fairy. Evolved, male fairy becomes Deathscythe - a scythe-armed, skeletal-winged angel of death. Female fairy evolves into Dryas - a beautiful blond fairy with wings made of leaves.

Meanwhile, female Android becomes more mecha-musume Grang Griph. The Black Cat, god pet from Ehekatl of Luck, is an ordinary black kitten that will turn into a giant black lion named Big Black Cat if male, and Black Catsister if female.

Blessed with Suck : Fame. While necessary to get better quests, having high Fame also raises your taxes and the frequency and strength of bandit attacks. Blue-and-Orange Morality : A middle-aged man wedding and impregnating a prepubescent youth? A farm dedicated to breeding and slaughtering purchased slaves for meat?

Nobody will bat an eye. Committing casual murder will range from being given no response at all if a lowly beggar to being given a few wary glances at worst if you kill somebody important like say, the King of Palmia , but get caught pickpocketing or even not pay your bills on time and it's warrant enough for you to be killed on sight. And you're free to repeatedly kill the King of Palmia Bodyguard Crush : Your pet's affection goes up as they kill stuff for you.

Body Horror : What most of the mutations, Etherwind or not, tend to do to you. Even if the sprites don't show it, a high level character usually runs around with the eyes of a hawk, a hard shell on the skin, and generally more limbs than a person should have. Although it can be healed using a rather rare potion. Additionally, cut damage is resisted by even less targets. Break the Cutie : After finishing the Main Quest Act 1, the little girl Gwen the Innocent in Yowyn who likes to collect flowers and follow you around will grow up into the warrior woman Gwen the Pitiless whose dialogues are implying that the constantly hostile world and monsters forced her to kill everything just to survive.

Breath Weapon : Hounds , drakes, and dragons have breath attacks matching their elemental affinity. Also you, if you take the fire breath feat. You need a special book to enter, and it's full of mummies. You'll gain money and train your charisma, but also lose karma and sanity. Captured Super-Entity : Ebon the Fire Giant is shackled in magic chains in the town of Noyel and kept as a tourist attraction. The NPC keeping him comments the giant could destroy the whole town if freed.

If you know lockpicking, you can release him and watch the ensuing mayhem. Cast from Hit Points : You can still cast spells even when your MP is too low, although this will cause damage.

Having the Magic Capacity skill will help reduce the damage taken from this. Cat Girl : Ehekatl, the Goddess of Luck, is one. She mewls a lot, is as crazy and flighty as one And, bizarrely enough, doesn't have the ears. The younger catsister spawned from reading her diary. You can be one if you pick the catsister or catgod debug race.

And even if you don't, cat ears and a tail are available as parts for your Virtual Paper Doll. Chest Monster : Mimics. In addition to chests they can appear as treasure balls, safes, and even stairs. They sit in one place until you come close, at which point they either explode or spam chaos magic at you.

On the flipside, their small health pools and insane speed make them vulnerable to poison, acid, and fire. Color-Coded Elements : Fire is red, ice is white, lightning is yellow, poison is green, darkness is purple, ether is blue, mind is pink, sound is brown, and chaos is magenta. Cool Gate : Moongates. However, they only lead to user created rooms which are otherwise inaccessible in standard play.

Whether they lead to a room full of locked doors or a world where the gods are put in zoos is entirely random. The Corruption : Etherwind is implied to slowly turn people and animals into ravaging monsters , both physically and mentally.

This can be observed as ether exposure gives you various monster traits, until having too many results in a Non Standard Game Over , and during the etherwinds there are stronger monsters in the wilderness.

Crazy Cat Lady : Mia, a very odd girl you can find in Palmia, who is obsessed with cats and is treated like an outcast by the other townsfolk. As you carry more stuff, a penalty on speed becomes greater and greater. When you're REALLY burdened, you start getting crushed by your stuff, losing HP, and you also have a chance to fall down stairs and potentially break your neck.

If your inventory gets too heavy, you become completely unable to move. Continuing is Painful : Though the fact you can continue at all is merciful for a roguelike, that still doesn't mean that losing a good chunk of your things as well as EXP doesn't hurt. Especially when you've contracted a disease that will kill you again in less then an in-game week if you can't cure it.

Critical Existence Failure : Played straight. The only indicator that you're low on health, apart from your health bar, is a pounding heartbeat sound that sounds once and is easily lost amongst the sword clashes, machine gun fire, and grenade explosions Cute Bruiser - The little girl you can start with can become one.

Cyberpunk : The Cyber Dome. With light sabers. Dark Humor : The 'pregnant' status effect has nothing to do with actual pregnancy. Instead, it means you've been impregnated by a Xenomorph Xerox and its alien offspring will burst out of your body soon. Death Is a Slap on the Wrist : Played straight, at least for a roguelike, since you can just get back up.

Sure, there are penalties such as stat and item loss, but that's not as bad as having to start all over. Death of a Thousand Cuts : Some enemies will take a lot of scratches before going down, if they can't regenerate their health enough anyway.

Can be done quite literally as cut damage is rarely resisted. Elona Mobile Fishing skill. Elona Mobile Alchemy skill. Elona Mobile Pick Pocketing skill. Elona Mobile Performing skill. Elona Mobile Investing skill. Elona Mobile Weightlifting skill. Elona Mobile Gardening skill. Elona Mobile Faith skill. Elona Mobile Dual-Wielding skill.

Elona Mobile Martial arts skill. Related — Elona Mobile: The complete Karma changes guide and tips. Show More. Lingks Gio Hi there! I mostly play compact mobile games,because they increase my concentration on most of my daily occupations.

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