Does anyone buy from etsy

I was told they did not have the item. I kept checking at the post office and was told that tracking showed the item was still being held at DHL. I was even willing to drive 75 miles one way to pick it up from them to have it by the day of the wedding.

I was told again that they did not have it. DHL finally mailed the item to the post office, a week after the wedding. Etsy has since credited my account for the cost of the item and for the shipping cost.

I feel as though DHL should have to reimburse Etsy for the cost since they are not to blame. Etsy has proven to go above and beyond for customer approval ratings and rightfully deserves this approval. The products have been consistently excellent in quality with only a couple of exceptions. I love that so many vendors offer beautiful, hand-crafted items.

My orders usually arrive within a reasonable time-period, and I've only had 3 mixups -- all resolved -- where the wrong item was sent. We have been happy with the sales on Etsy but they do not seem to care at all about the seller experience and there is no way to block problematic buyers or scammers.

As a seller, it is nearly impossible to get anybody at etsy to help with disputes. I still recommend selling on this platform but they need to work on helping sellers and not just exploiting them. That system is just setup to waste as much of your advertising dollars as possible and the results have been hugely disappointing.

Etsy is a scammer solicited site. Case mediation is non-existent. I can't express my warning enough! I have been selling my items on Etsy for over 8 years.

It used to be a great place for Artists and Sellers of vintage and handmade items. Everything ran smoothly. Customers and Sellers alike were happy. One can see, from reviews of this site, when things changed, and it is not because of Covid. It is from Greed. Etsy changes policies on a whim, not considering sellers opinions. This is so ironic, because if a seller has a technical problem with their site, the reply one gets from the "form letter" is: "We are only a platform for you to use to sell you items.

We don't step in to help with issues with buyers etc. Ask the seller's community to offer suggestions and help". Essentially leaving us to our own devices, unprotected and exposed. These are not minor issues which I attempted to contact support about. And I clearly stated why I was reaching out, numerous times.

Issues like bogus customer accounts and attempts to steal mine. When there is an issue with their platform, there is no way to contact the offices of Etsy. Or speak to anyone with a heartbeat. Only a chat which is not manned by humans. Only robots with scripts that are of no help, and don't pertain to the issue at hand.

The robots say, "I will escalate this to a higher team, and you will receive an email". Days later when said email arrives, it is another form letter, going on and on about things that have nothing to do with my issue. When I respond to this email, numerous times over a period of weeks, there is never a response from a robot or human. And we are left to figure it out, or close our shops. With the sneaky.

Never breaking down what item was "hit on". If a customer comes from say Google search, and purchases an item, seller is forced to pay for this forced advertising. This only benefits Etsy. Etsy has been a thing for years now. The developer, Etsy, Inc. The developer will be required to provide privacy details when they submit their next app update.

With Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app. App Store Preview. Screenshots iPhone iPad. Description Sell on Etsy, our app just for sellers, lets you easily manage your business on the go.

Oct 13, Version 3. Ratings and Reviews. App Privacy. Information Seller Etsy, Inc. Size Category Business. Compatibility iPhone Requires iOS Price Free. Family Sharing With Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app.

More By This Developer. Yes Etsy is a legit and professional company. Etsy is a billion dollar worth company. It is publicly traded on the stock market, as legit as it gets. Etsy emphasizes more on buyers protection. The only time Etsy stands behind the sellers is if the Etsy seller can prove that the item has been shipped and or the buyer is trying to extort the legit seller.

Etsy sellers never see buyer credit card information. Your credit card information is safe as Etsy uses encrypted and secured payment processor. This should provide you the peace of mind. Read more: Walmart Vs. Target Which is Better? Etsy is a super safe platform that ensures safe purchases of products. Generally, it is advised to use your best judgment before you finalize an order on the website. Buy from the sellers with a lot of good reviews. Usually the solid 5 star reviews are extremely trustworthy.

If a seller asks you to give them any of this information, chances are they are a fake. Moreover, change your passwords from time to time and make sure to keep them as complex as possible.

Etsy is generally a very trustworthy company where thousands of sellers are offering amazing products.

However, there are a few bad seeds that cannot be trusted. In case you come across any such sellers, Etsy will intervene right away to resolve your issues with the bad sellers. People also read: Instacart vs. Shipt Which is Better? Etsy has made it exceptionally easy for its sellers to sell their products online. As a seller, you need to take great photos and post listings online to your shop. But keep in mind that after you start selling your products it is up to you to be wary of any scammers posing as customers to buy your products.

You need to include the shop name and the return address on your packages when you sell to customers. However, some sellers are sceptical of putting their personal information out there. To tackle this issue, Etsy allows sellers to give their shops a professional business name and protect their personal information.


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