Why is sonic generations not on wii

Not for Wii cause its not HD! Exactly what they said about the Black ops stuff not for Wii. Sega sucks! Make a version not HD for the Wii then! Some of their biggest market happens to be on the Wii, while most X-Box and PS3 players will most likely turn to other franchises such a call of duty or madden, seeing as those new games have already released no stereotype intended, these are just much beloved series, and frankly those systems seem better for those genres players time will be mostly occupied with them, while the Wii, while immensely popular, has no big-ticket releases planned for this year, and if SEGA advertised sonic generations the right way, the could make a boatload of money.

Then again, the game might not be up to par, and this way they will not lose customers on the Wii. We will just have to see if they have a change of heart and release on Wii, make a separate Wii-exclusive, or just ignore the Wii entirely and wait for the Wii U.

Colors was a much better game. Generations lacks any sense of flow and the levels are very hit or miss. That would be so awesome if they are making it for the Wii U. Wii players, go back to Mario. Bye Sonic. That makes no sense. Alex Seedhouse. Share 0. Believe it or not Sega cancelled the fantastic looking Sonic Generations for the Nintendo Wii due to the systems graphical constraints.

Do you think Sega was right to cancel Sonic Generations for Wii? Serves the Wii right.. Some of my favourite games of all time are only SD. Graphics whores are ridiculous. Who made the first 3D inert console Nintendo. And who made the first 3D no glasses system Nintendo. So maybe you should rethink your whole opinion! Smart thinking. If this had come out before Colours I would have accepted that because of what happened with Unleashed. Are we really THAT picky when it comes to visual quality?

I could see their point until they say they will make it for the 3ds. So the 3ds is all super hd compared to the wii? Sega, I am disappoint. Sure, Sonic games have never been my cup of tea and I wasnt looking forward to Geberations, but I really think this was a huge mistake.

Is the 3DS really that good? Wait for E3 and it will be one of the playable games at the show , probably. Or at least showed on the demo reel. I do feel the same way. I am thinking that the reason some high profile games arent being announced for the Wii is because they will be on Cafe. Really hope that, so we can really see the 3rd party support for Cafe.

This is just an excuse, as always happened with third parties. More inspiration for nintendo to make a new console. When sonic developers tell nintendo that THEIR hardware is not good enough, you know something is wrong. We need more power, but with the same innovation we all know and love. Which… I think they were more focused on the idea of pleasing the current audiences.

I got Sonic4 on Xbox instead of Wii just so it looked nicer, although Sonic Colours did look very nice indeed. I think they are vastly overrated. I agree with the concept of your idea, but ultimately in the 3DS version the modern lvevel designs play like Rush and Colors DS. Anyway, the portable approach is an excuse by most developers to not translate full concepts from a console, though Super Street Fighter 4 3D proved it can be done.

Its just SEGA giving up like schoolgirls because they know the rest of their game will be a little shaky without graphics to boast about. With SEGA yes I believe there is a solid chance they will release a Wii2 version, but I also agree with turtwig96 saying that they have the audacity to create the game however on the 3DS even with its less superior graphics.

Whats the deal? So, they are developing the game based solely on graphics? I bet if I hand someone of my gaming generation today a copy of Super Mario Bros. No it did not. But if you developed a good game with awesome graphics, it would be like a kick in the face the have to downgrade it. If companies would stop making suck ass games with good graphics, then the good games would shine through a whole lot more.

Colors showed us that the Hedgehog Engine could be used effectively and make a really polished looking game. They have a fanbase of Wii-only gamers for Sonic and they must already have part of a game because it was in production. Selling half a game for full price sounds like something Sega would do and people would probably defend it just like Unleashed for the Wii and Colors.

Either they disappoint us without a game, or give us the half they finished for us to fine mild enjoyment out of.

I really doubt the 3DS has better graphics than wii, I mean wuhu island looks worst on pilotwings than in wii sports resort. So terrible excuse, but oh well I have a Nintendo just published it. I love Sonic very much. I own a Wii and a PS3, I try the same game on different platform.


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