Why is broyles back
No Lindberg baby event? Peter, realizing he was the main problem for both universes, triggered the reset while inside the machine during the season 3 finale. He chose "balance," which inadvertently resulted in him being erased from the timeline in In this new timeline, the Observers didn't save Peter from drowning in Reiden Lake.
The universes were now balanced because both Peters were gone instead of just one. The universes actually diverged between and JFK, Red Lantern, etc. Just take a look at season 4 and you can see the major impact just one human being can have on an entire timeline, so whatever minor diversion that caused the universes to split initiated a chain reaction, which initiated other chain reactions, causing the major differences we see between the universes.
So these scenes contradict the changes in the timeline. A lot of things changed since Peter was not part of the equation. Whatever we saw on the previous seasons didnt count anymore.
While Broyles comes off as professional and by-the-book, he is surprisingly flexible when it comes to dealing with the unusual circumstances of Pattern-related cases. Little is known of Broyles' past. He has been involved in the military, citing experience as a Colonel in "six wars". Broyles was once married to Diane and had children, but his obsession with a case broke up his marriage.
He initially harbors resentment for Olivia as she was responsible for prosecuting his friend Sanford Harris, but comes to respect Olivia's aptitude and later defends her against Harris. He knows President Obama, who he thinks dislikes him because Broyles beat him at golf. In the parallel universe, Colonel Broyles is in charge of the alternate Fringe division and answers directly to Secretary Bishop.
He is still married to Diane, and lives together with her and their two children, Christopher—who suffers both physical and psychological trauma following being kidnapped—and a daughter. In the third season episode "Entrada", Colonel Broyles sacrifices himself to give time for Olivia to escape the parallel universe. His body is later mutilated and sent to the Prime Universe as a substitution of mass so that Fauxlivia may return home. Agent Broyles later examines his body and closes his eyes out of respect.
Olivia makes it clear that she intends to find a solution to the conflict between the two universes without one being destroyed, as she promised Colonel Broyles she would.
Cameron and Olivia talk about the other test subjects from Jacksonville. Has she heard about any of the others? Olivia has not. He is the only other test subject she knows anything about. The same goes for him - no contact with the others. Since she never met them in the alternated time line, they did not die and Olivia never switched universe by these means.
Others clues in the early season 4 indicate that she has not mastered her abilities yet. When Col. Broyles died in the season 3 episode Entrada , his body was used as a counterweight for Fauxlivia's recuperation, but the Olivia from Over Here returned by her own means. This cannot be the way she returned in the new alternate timeline, since everything indicates she never switched universes by herself since she quit the Cortexiphan trials.
She probably returned to Over Here as Fauxlivia's counterweight, as it was originally planned. Anyway, this make the treason of Col. Broyles unnecessary, as it was to help Olivia to reach the isolation tank in the Harvard lab so she could concentrate and switch universes. In S4E2, Walter mentioned that Olivia was kidnapped to the other side, not Peter being kidnapped and her following. I think that with that significant change, she probably did not interact with Broyles. Walternate would have kept her captive and experimented on her instead of trying to brainwash her into believing she was Fauxlivia.
Also, I don't think this is something the writers planned too far in advance. I looked back to S3E22, the final episode of season 3, at the very end, when the two worlds come together.
We see both Olivia's and both Walters, but we only see the Broyles from 'our' side. If the writers had been planning this back then, I think the other Broyles would have 'magically' appeared at that time.
Maybe, just maybe, Walternate replaced Broyles on his side with a shape shifter because I seem to recall his team thought he just disappeared. Remember, in last week's episode, the shape shifter who took on and killed multiple victims, STILL carried the picture of his 'real' son. Nothing suggested he had any emotional attachment to the loves ones of the victims he inhabited.
With that in mind, it is not consistant for Col. Broyles body to have been occupied by a shape shifter because Col. Broyles is acting as a mole to save his son.
A shape shifter would have no love for that child. This really bothers me because either way, Fauxlivia would have had to be replaced mass wise with something from the other side. There's no way Olivia could have escaped without col. How about this: what if Fauxlivia stayed Over Here until the bridge was created, thereby not needed an exit and not using Broyles as a mass-replacement?
This plot hole is really bothering me.