Why is beet kvass good for you

Those choices might not be convenient, but the payback of having your health in top shape is well worth it! Probiotics are increasingly recognized for their ability to:. While powdered, freeze-dried probiotics are available, they are often less vigorous than those found in live, fermented foods.

Beet kvass is a great natural source of the sugars that these bacteria feed on and thus provides a rich growing medium for the probiotics. Although beets are high in sugar, post-fermentation, there is only one gram of sugar left per 6 oz serving of Creative Cultures Traditional Beet Kvass because the sugars are digested by the probiotics themselves. In people with gastrointestinal issues, proper digestion and nutrient assimilation may not occur, so malnutrition is a major concern.

Beet kvass can be a powerful nutrifying tonic for people with such issues, because the fermentation process breaks down the complex carbohydrates and proteins to make them more bioavailable. If you are new to fermented foods and beverages the most important thing is to start small. Many digestive specialists give the following advice to their patients:. Reactions are basically any type of digestive discomfort, bloating, gas, abdominal pains, etc.

It is important to control this reaction by introducing probiotic foods gradually starting from small amounts. When you can take that tiny amount every day [with no reaction], start increasing the dose.

Proceed in this very slow manner. It is important for you to introduce probiotics in the form of food or supplement. You just have to go slowly. This information is provided for general education purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Creative Cultures is not a medical organization and our staff cannot give you medical advice or a diagnosis. Recipes about how to make kombucha , milk kefir and sauerkraut can be found here blog. How much of beet Kvas would you recommend to drink per day or per week for the best health benefits? Thank you! You do not need to consume large amounts of fermented foods.

Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. So to summarise here are some of the most important benefits of beet kvass: High levels of nitrate , which turns into nitric oxide, helps to keep cardiovascular health, immune system and metabolism in homeostasis. Polyphenols — betalains, the molecules [also called phytochemicals] that give beets its very rich red color, have been shown in the lab to have anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidantant and chemo-preventative properties.

Several different probiotic bacteria that can improve your microbiota, help digestion, improve your immune system and perform many other functions attributed to probiotics. Microbial digestive enzymes can help digest foods Vitamin C and other vitamins like Vitamin B and K produced by bacteria play very important role in your metabolism Rich in iron, boron and folate Neurotransmitters and other useful molecules produced by fermented bacteria Oligosaccharides are great food for selective good intestinal bacteria such as Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria Rich in fiber beets improve digestion, metabolism and promote growth of healthy microbiota.

To get more fiber in your kvass I recommend to partially blend raw beets in the blender and drink kvass in the form of smoothie May help loose weight I hope now you are convinced to that beet kvass is a super food or beverage to be exact.

That's because beets contain naturally occurring nitrates that your body converts to nitric oxide 9. When that happens, your blood vessels dilate which improves circulation and oxygenation throughout your body. As a result, drinking beet juice may enhance cognitive function and neuroplasticity that's your brain's ability to make new connections as you age, while also reducing blood pressure The same reasons that make beet kvass good for your heart also may help enhance athletic performance, too.

One study found that consuming beetroot juice about 90 minutes before exercise could enhance athletic performance Further, it may also help reduce muscle pain from exercise, too Fermented beet juice, is rich in probiotics and micronutrients that help support systemic wellness, and can be especially good for your liver, heart, and brain.

Even better, if you're an athlete you might find beet kvass benefits how well you perform. As a base for borscht, or an ingredient in other soups, dips, and salad dressings, it adds a salty, sour, savory flavor that does not dominate the other ingredients. The salt protects the ferment from unwanted bacterial and fungal contamination, and helps the beets release their properties into the brine.

Whey is often added to initiate faster fermentation, but the kvass will ferment without it, due to the natural bacterial populations on the beet skin, so it is listed as an optional ingredient.

The lemon juice, also optional, is used to slightly acidify the ferment before the lactic acid bacteria have a chance to; in addition, it adds a pleasing flavor. As with sauerkraut, and other vegetable ferments, the kvass will become more sour the longer it is allowed to ferment. Wash the beets well, but do not peel them; the skins hold a lot of nutrition. Slice the ginger thinly, leaving the skin on. Place the beets and ginger in a large glass jar. Here we are using the Ball half-gallon jar.

Dissolve teaspoons sea salt in a quart of water, and pour over the beets. If desired, add a sprig of fresh mint to infuse along with the beets.


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