Who is affected by hypertension

Caffeine and hypertension Can having vitamin D deficiency cause high blood pressure? Sleep deprivation: A cause of high blood pressure? Show more related information. More Information High blood pressure and sex High blood pressure dangers Hypertensive crisis: What are the symptoms?

Share on: Facebook Twitter. Show references High blood pressure. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Accessed Dec. What is high blood pressure? American Heart Association. Hypertensive crisis: When you should call for high blood pressure. Hypertension in adults: Screening. Preventive Services Task Force. Thomas G, et al.

Blood pressure measurement in the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension in adults. Blood pressure monitoring kiosks aren't for everyone. Food and Drug Administration. Basile J, et al. Overview of hypertension in adults. Know your risk factors for high blood pressure. Rethinking drinking: Alcohol and your health. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Bonow RO, et al. Systemic hypertension: Mechanisms and diagnosis. Elsevier; Hypertension adult.

Mayo Clinic; About metabolic syndrome. Understanding blood pressure readings. Whelton PK, et al. Monitoring your blood pressure at home. Mann JF. Choice of drug therapy in primary essential hypertension. Agasthi P, et al. Renal denervation for resistant hypertension in the contemporary era: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Scientific Reports. Chernova I, et al. Resistant hypertension updated guidelines. Current Cardiology Reports.

Forman JP, et al. Diet in the treatment and prevention of hypertension. Goldman L, et al. Alzheimer disease and other dementias. In: Goldman-Cecil Medicine. Managing stress to control high blood pressure. Continue reading. High levels of stress can lead to a temporary, but dramatic, increase in blood pressure.

If you try to relax by eating more, using tobacco or drinking alcohol, you may only exacerbate problems with high blood pressure. Relaxation and meditation techniques effectively lower blood pressure. Ibuprofen Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen can cause marked worsening of existing hypertension or development of new high blood pressure. It can also cause damage to the kidneys, worsening of heart failure, and even heart attack or stroke.

Cough and Cold Medications Sudafed and other brands that contain pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine. Cough and cold medicines frequently contain decongestants such as pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine. These medications cause your blood pressure and heart rate to rise, by constricting all your arteries, not just those in your nose.

Certain chronic conditions, including diabetes, kidney disease and sleep apnea, also may increase your risk of high blood pressure. It's uncertain if having too little vitamin D in your diet can lead to high blood pressure.

Researchers think that vitamin D may affect an enzyme produced by your kidneys that affects your blood pressure. Race African-Americans tend to develop high blood pressure more often than people of any other racial background in the United States. It also tends to be more severe in African Americans, and some medications are less effective in treating HBP in blacks. Learn more about African-Americans and high blood pressure. And, having HBP may also may also cause further kidney damage.

Modifiable risk factors These are the risk factors you can change to help prevent and manage high blood pressure , including: Lack of physical activity : Not getting enough physical activity as part of your lifestyle increases your risk of getting high blood pressure.

Physical activity is great for your heart and circulatory system in general, and blood pressure is no exception. Learn more about getting regular physical activity. An unhealthy diet, especially one high in sodium : Good nutrition from a variety of sources is critical for your health.

A diet that is too high in salt consumption, as well as calories, saturated and trans fat and sugar, carries an additional risk of high blood pressure.

On the other hand, making healthy food choices can actually help lower blood pressure. Learn more about improving your diet. Being overweight or obese : Carrying too much weight puts an extra strain on your heart and circulatory system that can cause serious health problems.

It also increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. Learn more about managing your weight. Drinking too much alcohol : Regular, heavy use of alcohol can cause many health problems, including heart failure , stroke and an irregular heartbeat arrhythmia.

It can cause your blood pressure to increase dramatically and can also increase your risk of cancer, obesity, alcoholism, suicide and accidents.


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