What is the average casting distance
If you have a bulky lure like a big spinnerbait with blades and skirt and flapping trailer, your cast can be shortened by how much the lure hangs up and creates resistance in the air on the cast. Generally speaking a more aerodynamic profile casts a lot better than a bulky sprawling profile does on a fishing lure.
The blades spin in the wind, the skirt catches air and the bait sort of sets up on a cast like a kite. Whereas a little worm with a heavy weight at the end of the line casts like a bullet.
If you put the wind to your back and cast with the wind, it can help sail a bait even farther down the lake. But as you become proficient at casting, you need to start experimenting with how far you let the lure out to begin your cast. On a foot bass boat, you want to crawl on top of the cowling of his Mercury motor to avoid catching a Strike King 6XD in the cheek. Max casting distance of average joe??? Share More sharing options Followers 4. Reply to this topic Start new topic. Prev 1 2 3 Next Page 1 of 3.
Recommended Posts. Posted January 23, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options Replies 68 Created 5 yr Last Reply 5 yr. Top Posters In This Topic 5 4 6 5. Popular Posts Scott F January 24, Glenn January 23, Posted Images. Super User. WRB Posted January 23, Glenn Posted January 23, Scott F Posted January 24, Posted January 24, Sam Posted January 24, WRB Posted January 24, Robeng Posted January 24, X2- get er in the zone. HoosierHawgs Posted January 24, Glenn Posted January 24, Alonerankin2 Posted January 24, Fishing Rhino Posted January 24, I think it could be an Olympic sport.
Like the javelin or shot put. The comments above gives my an idea what a realistic goal should be. I'm very vertically challenged ex jockey so I don't often wade except if there's a bank running out as I can't go far before the water is too high and casting becomes harder.
That's why I said practice makes perfect or sufficient to reach the area that you think is holding fish. I also only really target edibles,so anything up to m works fine for me You all said that what I thought.
Sorry J-Rock but even m at chest hight if way out. You will be lucky to get 60m. Reef don't be so hard on the guy. Who knows maybe he can. Pages: [ 1 ] 2 Go Up. SMF 2. SimplePortal 2. Logged adam Ultimate member Posts: Cred: Gender: The lighter the tackle, the bigger the fish!
Re: Casting distance « Reply 6 on: February 03, , PM » I'm not a big caster, let's say around m with bait depending on size and about m without, depending on wind, footing, etc. Logged "I once caught a fish thiiiiiiiiss big, now pass another beer" J-Rock Guest Re: Casting distance « Reply 7 on: February 03, , PM » I think the average angler with a bit of practice can cast m, after that it's getting comfortable with your set-up and aiming for an extra 5m or so every time.
Now I feel better. As I said, m is right at the edge of my range, and that is if the wind is in my favour Mondays, nobody likes them Maybe you misunderstood me or i didnt make myself clear When wading and casting the aim is a m distance including the 40m odd meter wade.
My bad! Bru, if you can cast m standing in chest deep water, then you must sign up for a TV series. No disrespect intended here, but with distorted figures, guys trying to improve are going to be asking what they're doing wrong, and become extremely frustrated.
Logged Men Logged Charles The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. Logged Always be humble It seems add but the lighter line will allow you to carry more line without overtaxing the rod. Thanks Thanks for the quick replies. As to the question of how far I want to cast, well, I just don't want to be "sub-par" in my ability.
If 60 feet is pretty normal then I'll be satisfied. If that maximum is short then I'll keep working to improve my distance. There are so many posts that talk about 80 and 90 foot casts, I wasn't sure if that distane is what most fly casters can do or if it extraordinary to be able to attain that kind of distance. Since it probably makes a difference, I should have mentioned that the rod I'm using is a Sage Launch.
Biggie Well-known member. Messages Reaction score 12 Location Bozeman Montana. For trout fishing the cast that catches fish is between 15 to 40 feet.
Casting any further than that becomes a challenge of an anglers ego, wanting to strive for greatness while landing you fly on the opposite shoreline. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of it running through my veins on most days and find myself having to reel up some line so I can get back to catching fish. Just as in golf though, it's drive for show and putt for dough in fishing and competitions! In most casting competitions I've seen, the accuracy at different ranges count more that the distances.
You should be able to catch all the fish you need at that 60' range. BigCliff Well-known member. Messages 4, Reaction score 21 Location South Texas.
Jackster said:. FrankB2 Well-known member. Messages 2, Reaction score 33 Location Southeast Pennsylvania. When I cast in my backyard, I can get close to 60' of line out from the tip of the rod, to the leader loop. That was after a lot of practice, and without standing in wader up to my waist.
I actually don't know how much line I can cast on the water, as I've never measured it. Seems to be about the same amount, however. I fully agree that an accurate cast to 40 feet and less is essential any sort of freshwater FF'ing.
Distance may come into play on larger rivers and saltwater fishing, but not being able to hit the spot on a small stream will ruin the whole day.
I practice two things in my backyard: casting into the wind, and hitting targets at less than 45 feet. Thanks again Thanks for all of the replies. I am now comfortable with my 60 foot range and won't feel compelled to continue trying to improve my casting distance. I guess the goal now should be to work on improving accuracy. It seems pretty decent to me and the price if right, but then again, I am a novice and haven't tried any of the expensive stuff. Frank Whiton Most Senior Member.