How do hho generators work
This is a custom design, not a store bought unit. I will be running normal tap water and baking soda 1 tbsp per gallon. I will be installing this in my Toyota Celica ST. This car normally gets between 28 and 32 MPG.
I drive 55 miles each way to work, so this will be a very good way for me to test it out, flat out cruising on the highway. I am unbiased, and will report this as it happens, no padding number or leaning out the engine air fuel ratio.
This is going to be a bolt it on, install a controller unit, and report the differences test. I am doing this since my commute is so large, and I want to find a way to increase my mileage. My unit is made from aircraft grade stainless steel, and black 4" sewer Plastic tubing.
So far the I have hooked up this unit to 12 volts, and yes they do produce a flammable gas. It looks similar to that of shaking up a can of soda. I have heard a ton of people selling wire, or generators telling everyone these work, and a ton of people looking for every excuse for them not to saying no they don't. I am not selling this unit, its plans, nor anything.
I get nothing out of this test other than personal knowledge that I am willing to share. So Please email me at ydeardorff AT hotmail. I will give an honest answers, and as unbiased as I can report on what I noticed in all details. Simply put, the alternator is already producing the electricity and if you don't use it then its wasted energy!
Just like the military and war we already pay the military and all its cost the only real extra expense is the expendables - bombs, missiles, etc. So, if your producing the power why not put it to use and stop wasting the power? HHO generators really work. I used one on my 5. The kit I got was a Max from vadaenergy. My experiences as they come to me.
Hydrogen alone has 3X flame speed of regular gasoline. HHO has 9X the flame speed. You are confused and need to study what you are commenting on. Remark to KEN:Alternators or any other form of electrical generator do NOT produce electricity if it is not used, so no load, no consumption.
The vehicles electrical system may have enough capacity to supply an additional 20, 30 or even amps. At 23 times lighter than ambient air and 9X the flame speed, by injecting a small amount of HHO through on board electrolysis without manipulation the OEM computer, the engine diesel or gas is able to operate somewhat leaner without detonation The injected HHO, by mixing with the fuel air mixture increases flame speed back to required levels thereby reducing detonation, allows the vehicle to perform the same task with less fuel.
Lots of people can produce cells of different shapes and sizes with an array of outputs but in my experience, if the output of the cell does not follow the fuel consumption in a somewhat constant ratio, the results are all over the place.
So what I'm saying is, for the best results there needs to be variability in the output of the cell. Not just a PWM the the driver adjusts themselves. As far as electrolyte and all of the above links for HHO sales groups, NOBODY addresses the the issue of the electrolyte freeze problems with any degree of intelligence.
If you don't believe me, go ahead and write or call anyone and ask "What do I do for cold weather? Typical dishonest answers will mention using alcohol or wind shield washer fluid alcohol. This works fine till it gets cold, then it evaporates within a few short miles alcohol evaporates quickly Then you're back to the same problem of freezing. CleanBatteries AT gmail. Zero Fossil Fuel mentioned above has made enormous contributions to HHO and it's research but with regards to the cell designs, specifically the stack type or "dry" cell that keeps everyone drooling.
They are flawed in practical design. If, for any reason your electrolyte turns a bit scummy, this stack cell is a perfect catch all for the crud and then you have a shorted cell and then you have to take it apart and so on and so on. Why does electrolyte turn scummy? Don't have enough space here to mention everything but two scenarios come to mind as the biggest culprits. One is individual cell voltage.
It really doesn't matter what type of stainless you put in there, if it's over volted, it will corrode. Second is the electrolyte, using baking soda is a perfect example of cows following each other off a cliff. Ask yourself and each other, why do we use baking soda scientifically.
Let me add this: Sodium Bicarbonate in electrolysis is not very stable at all, it breaks down especially at slightly warm temperatures and produces carbon dioxide until you are left with minuscule amounts of Sodium Carbonate, so do yourself a favor and start out with Sodium Carbonate home depot-PH up , I'm not saying that this will fix all your problems but it will help. At least enough to have some successful experiments. Comments: www. They do not build anything themselves.
Just slick marketers that have been slapped by the Canadian government for shady schemes. Could not open www. Good concept but commercially no practical beyond Florida because it has absolutely no freeze protection. Yes they do with the right design. Most of these Generators that you see on the internet and in adverts are made with wire and glass, the wire is not too efficient and is quite fragile to be bouncing around under your hood.
Most of the HHO Gas Generators out there are of poor design resulting in early failure, and use the wrong catalist witch can result in poor production of Hydrogen gas and can muddy up your generator.
Those that use the stacked plate system, use the wrong kind of inferior plates that will breakdown under the conditions and chemicals used in the HHO Generation. I have a unique design of hydrogen generators that combine both wet cell and dry cell technology which you may have heard of which eliminates the weaknesses of the older HHO Generators while being compact and taking up less room under your hood and being much more efficient.
I have 3 different sizes that fit 4 cylinder cars, 6 cylinder cars and 8cylinder and 10 cylinder cars. I sell them assemble and sell them as complete kit or just the generator or generator and water reservoir. From there, the gas gets inserted into the engine from the intake. This gas is explosive enough that an internal combustion engine can run on it. Show the supply chain who's boss Get a head start on your holiday shopping at Amazon, Target, Best Buy, and more.
Effects on the Suburban were measured over miles and included acceleration times before and after installation of the HHO generator. The generator was used for a fuel economy test. Surely the HHO would make a difference here since it only has to help a small engine. In this test, the generator was first run dry on regular fuel as a baseline then run on the HHO and fuel mix for comparison. Unsurprising by now, but the HHO generator failed to increase the fuel economy of the generator. Gasoline engines are unfortunately not burning gasoline to its full potential.
That leaves a lot of room for improvement and Brown gas is one good way of improving the efficiency. The reason for this is simple, the hydrogen is highly flammable much more so than gasoline so when your engine ignites the hydrogen the explosion ignites the gasoline with much better results cleaner, less waste and fewer emissions than it would otherwise have done.
Some basics the burn speed of hydrogen is 0. The hydrogen explosion is so fast that it fills the combustion cylinder at least 3 times faster then the gasoline explosion and subsequent ignites the gasoline from all directions it is like putting flue on a fire , instead of just a spark in one end of the combustion cylinder, and we would like to do that because the gasoline only has a short time in the combustion cylinder and if its not fully burnt in that short amount of time then it just goes out the exhaust and is lost.
It is also preferable to ignite all of the gasoline when it is under maximum compression in combustion cylinder to get the maximum amount of energy out of it this is a small time window ,whonce the piston starts going down the energy transfer from the explosion to the engine becomes less efficient.
I modified the Brown generator I bought on ebay by adding connections to the places and replacing the spacers with smaller ones to increase the surface area. You will have to buy bottled water because tap water can have metal in it that will rust the plates. You will also have to ad an electrolyte to the water to speed up the electrolysis. It also consumes the most amount of electricity. Is an important tool to control the electrolysis. A simple generator can be built without PWM but that is like having an engine with only the possibility of full throttle or no throttle at all.
The pulse width modulator is necessary for a controlled electrolysis. The specific frequency and power for the most efficient electrolysis wares form generator to generator. You will have to fine tune the PWM your self but that is simple. You just fine tune the frequency first, by tuning the frequency up until the bubbles from the electrolysis plates start decreasing after you hit maximum bubbles and then go back to the best setting producing the most amount of bubbles and then do the same for the power setting.
It is best to get a powerful PWM at least 35 Amps preferably more. This is necessary because the computer is set up for a regular burn of fuel and compensates for the more efficient and cleaner burn by dumping more gasoline into the engine until it gets the reading it expects which ruins your fuel savings. Gasoline burns better cleaner less waste with HHO gas because the increase burn temperature. You can buy a EFIE on the internet or if you have the skills you can build one.
I made a hole for the wires from the PWM to the Brown generator along side the existing electric cables, the I put a peace of metal with rubber on one side around the Brown generator and screwed it to the frame of the car.
I drilled a hole in the air intake behind the air filter and inserted the air connector. I then put one way air valve on the hose and connected the Brown generator to the engine. Then I lengthen the cables of the PWM, thunk the variable resistors out and attached them til long wires, I also mad an manual on-off switch extension.
I then used the glue gun to glue the PWM to the top of the small glove box under my steering while,connected the wires slid the glove box into place and then glued the variable resistors and the LCD Display in the small hatch where the fuses are. It is all easily accessible bot not visible. As you took the time to link to the Wikipedia article that discusses the efficiency of ICE engines, please, take the time and link to the Wikipedia article that discusses the effectiveness of HHO generators, Brown's gas generators and similar methods that "boost" efficiency.
Reply 7 months ago. I'm pretty sure the additional electricity your alternator has to provide to generate the hydrogen outweighs the additional efficiency provided a. Reply 10 years ago on Introduction. Yeah he's got a rather poorly designed pseudo electric car. You rarely see one of thees devices with more than a few gallons of water.
Reply 6 years ago. For every gallon of water you can get litres of H2, thats at atmospheric pressure and freezing point. So, it would seem on the face of it that H2 production by electrolysis is worthwhile. I agree the main problem is producing enough to properly suppliment your current fuel, but this talk of inefficiencies and costing more to produce than it delivers is hogwash.