Why magneto can fly
During an attack on the United Nations, Magneto uncovered Alpha, an alien whose powers cause it to constantly evolve new ones each time they are used. Eventually, Alpha turns on Magneto, seeing him as the true villain of the story.
Sick of humanity's squabbles, he turns the Brotherhood of Mutants into a bunch of babies and flies off. The young Magneto was placed in the care of Moira MacTaggert, who tinkered with the young mutant's genetic structure. Although Magneto still has his trademark white hair, this version of Magneto wasn't restored to his fully original age, and he still maintains some of that relative youthfulness to this day. A content creator since , Kai's work has netted several awards in the online community.
From fiction to documentary, page or screen, you'll find much of his work covers a little bit of everything. Follow him on Instagram as themediabay. Their union, and his ability to control her powers, remains one of the long-lasting puzzles of the Marvel Universe.
Did you know how? In the films, he normally used metal bracelets to control his movement through the air you though his arms held outward were just to look cool, huh? However, this is just to save energy. Of course, it is much easier for him to use the bracelets. Besides using his abilities to make himself fly, Magneto can also manipulate gravity for other people and things. By using a localized electromagnetic field, with reverse polarity from that of the Earth of course , he can levitate objects and even other people.
He has frequently done this to the X-Men to stop them from interfering with him. He took on the New Mutants in the Danger Room and was able to repel Wolfsbane by reversing the gravity in the room.
He has used the power-focusing device to find many mutants at a great distance. This is similar to what other telepaths such as Professor Xavier and Jean Grey have done. His strong willpower, combined with his mutant abilities, have allowed him to dull the telepathic powers of others.
During his earliest appearances in the comics, he was known to send out astral projections of himself. Whether this ability stemmed from his skill as a self-trained telepath, or is somehow tied to his extensive mutant powers is unknown. One such example of this ability was many years ago when Magneto and Xavier became aware of the existence of Namor the Sub-Mariner.
In an attempt to ascertain if he was a powerful mutant or not, Magneto sent an astral projection of himself to Atlantis to address the Atlanteans. This could be said to be the basis for all his other abilities as it allows him to be aware of the surrounding forces at his disposal. After so many decades of Magneto having this perception, it persisted once even when his mutant abilities were believed to have been stripped from him. He was still aware of the link even though he lost his magnetic powers.
During the House of M story, Scarlet Witch became mentally unstable over the loss of her children. She started to restructure the very fabric of reality in order to bring them back.
Sensing the disaster unfolding, Magneto harnessed his vast powers to open a wormhole to carry Scarlet Witch away. He has also been known to use this ability to a lesser extent to transport himself and others when needed.
In the comics, they are some of the most impressive ever depicted, even strong enough to withstand a nuclear attack. If you think about it, he could use this ability to block medical treatments, cut off oxygen supply to enemies, or even cause the destruction of the planet if he wanted.
He even created a force field that withstood an attack from Galactus! While his ability may not be on the grand scale of such powerful beings as Doctor Manhattan or the Molecule Man, his power to rearrange matter is pretty impressive. The first law of thermodynamics says that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be used to effect change on other matter. Magneto as his acolytes crash the funeral.
The X-Men could not move or access their powers in this state, so they watch helpless as Magneto declares his intent to save mutant kind. As a firm believer in the superiority of mutants, Magneto has devoted a lot of time and effort into understanding genetics and mutation. Many of his genetic experiments have been for the purpose of pushing the powers of mutants further so that they may better survive and defend themselves. The Mutates boasted a variety of impressive powers and including the ability to regain their superhuman forms should they lose them.
Magneto was also able to genetically engineer the supermutant Alpha in the Defenders , using alien technology no less. He has even managed to grant superhuman powers to previously ordinary humans through genetic mutation. Through his mutation, Magneto has applied his exhaustive understanding of electromagnetism and physics to achieve feats of engineering far beyond the conventional understanding of science.
Magneto has constructed doomsday machines designed to induce earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. In Excalibur and Avengers Disassembled , Magneto and Xavier are working together to rebuild the mutant nation of Genosha. Magneto was able to appear exactly where he wanted and he was able to maintain the wormhole long enough to take them both back though it safely to Genosha. But the scope of his powers includes access to and influence over the entire electromagnetic spectrum.
Still, he can manipulate everything from radio waves, microwaves and infrared to ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma rays. In the Uncanny X-Men comics Magneto was able to generate heat as infrared radiation. In the Vision and Scarlet Witch miniseries Magneto goes searching for his long lost children by the woman Magda, under the guise of the White Pilgrim. Wanda and Pietro have taken refuge on the Moon with the Inhumans, so Magneto envelopes himself in a cone of his powers that lets him traverse airless space and renders him invisible.
He tries to stop them with his conventional powers but they have been programmed to detonate at the first sign of mutant power interference. Instead Magneto is forced to use his powers to reflect and divert the radiation from the nuclear blasts. Besides being able to manipulate electromagnetic energy along the entire EM spectrum, Magneto has the power to visually perceive the world through more than the spectrum of visible light. All this power began to corrupt Emma, who began to monitor the thoughts on everyone on Earth and started punishing those guilty of crimes against mutants.
She also began ruling the X-Men with an iron fist, monitoring their thoughts. Magneto attempted to dissuade her but she threatened him, leading a desperate Magneto to ask Charles Xavier for help, telling him that Emma and Cyclops had lost control.
Magneto joins the X-Men and Avengers for the final confrontation against the two remaining Phoenixes. Xavier's unrelenting assault causes Scott to lose control and kill him before taking the final piece of the Phoenix from Emma and completely losing control, becoming Dark Phoenix. Magneto and the others are defeated as Cyclops prepares to scorch the world to start anew. Cyclops finally manages to give up the Phoenix to Hope however, who disperses it and uses it to remove Wanda's curse.
He then contacted the incarcerated Cyclops and asks if he should break him out. Cyclops tells him not to however, refusing to allow the authorities to turn him into a villain. Cyclops eventually changed his mind however, and contacted Magneto, telling him to break him out. Magneto, Magik and Danger launched the operation, creating a prison riot and liberating Cyclops.
With Cyclops once again leading them, they resolve to continue doing what they always had - protecting mutantkind and saving the world, despite being hated and feared. Magneto, Cyclops and Magik took on various missions to save new mutants captured by the authorities, and offered them a place in their rebellion. On a mission to save Emma Frost, Magneto and Cyclops both lost control of their powers. Emma revealed that she was also going through problems with her powers and told them that it was because of the Phoenix, and that Magneto was also affected because Cyclops had hit him with a blast of Phoenix energy during the final battle.
Despite their problems with their powers, they continued their operations, and while coming to the aid of a young mutant, they were confronted by the young versions of the five original X-Men, who had been brought to the present by Beast.
Jean Grey's telepathy began manifesting, and losing control of herself she lashed out, hurling Cyclops away, causing him to lose his visor and begin firing wildly at the original X-Men. Mistaking this as an attack, the X-Men attacked Cyclops, but were driven away by Magneto, who ordered Magik to extract Cyclops and himself.
After technically defecting from Cyclops' X-Men, considering them a distraction for his goals, Magneto starts ruthlessly destroying any treats to mutantkind on his path. Magneto sides with Raze and Mystique despite their methods, because in the end he considers they are necessary for the greater good of mutants, even if it means it will elimiate all humans.
However he then defects the cause because the mission turns out to be more of a danger to mutants then what he realized. Magneto finally encounters mutantkind's greatest enemy: The Red Skull. Magneto infiltrates a mutant concentration camp where the Red Skull is located. However he unknowingly enters a trap and is ambushed and captured by Red Skull's S-Men.
Sometime later he is freed by Wanda, Havok and Rogue. However they are all captured again and Magneto is forced to watch as the Red Skull plans to use the Scarlert Witch in his plans to eradicate mutants.
Magneto has had enough and frees himself, killing some of the S-Men and fighting the Red Skull, Erik beats the Red Skull to death and crushes his head with a rock, killing him, much to Rogue's disgust. Unknown to Magneto, this event unleashed something worse, from the corpse of the Red Skull rises Onslaught.
Magneto presumably flees the battlefield, but in reality he merely escapes to bring back some uncanny reinforcements. Under Magneto's guide the villains aid the already battered Avengers and X-Men. Magneto is affected by Wanda and Doom's inversion spell and becomes the hero he has so hard tried to become in the past. While the inverted Avengers and X-Men are looking to stop loose ends - not inverted heroes or villains, Magneto joins forces with Spider-Man, Steve Rogers and others including his recently inverted allies like Doom and Mystique.
They try to stop the inverted X-Men and Avengers who are fighting for dominance while tearing each other apart. Magneto and his allies are caught in the crossfire in the attempt to help the inverted heroes.
Wanda defeats Magneto and Quicksilver in battle, and while casting a spell that is targeted to stop all her bloodline in the vicinity, the spell does not work on Magneto.
This reveals Magneto was never the father of Wanda nor Pietro. Magnetokinesis : One of the most powerful beings on the planet, Magneto is a mutant with the superhuman power to channel, manipulate, and generate magnetic fields that exist naturally or artificially. Magneto can maintain total control of an entire planet's electromagnetic field and manipulate it accordingly.
Magneto has harnessed magnetism to stop armies, raise islands from ocean floors, move mountains, change the course of rivers, and threaten to devastate the world with apocalyptic floods and continent shaking earthquakes. Magneto once blanketed the entire globe with a self-generated electromagnetic pulse that caused widespread devastation.
Moreover, he can use his magnetic powers in more than one way simultaneously. He can completely assemble a complicated machine within seconds through his powers. It is unclear, however, whether he must draw magnetic force from outside himself if so, then he can do so over vast distances , or whether he can also generate magnetic force from within himself. Nor is it clear whether Magneto's power is psionic or purely physiological in nature.
Magneto is also able to manipulate a magnetic field to interfere with telepathic attacks being one of the few mutants who can stop mind probes with their power alone.
Electromagnetic Spectrum Manipulation : Although Magneto's primary power is Magnetism, he has an extensive ability to project or manipulate any form of energy that is related to the electromagnetic spectrum. He can fire and absorb bolts of electricity and magnetic force, reverse lasers and other forms of radiation or energy, create enough intense heat as infrared radiation to level a city, manipulate gravity, and become invisible by deflecting visible light around his body. Infrared radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which also includes visible light, radio waves, ultraviolet light, gamma rays and x-rays -- Magneto can project any of these.
Magneto has demonstrated the capacity to produce a wormhole, and to safely teleport himself and others by means of the wormhole. Astral Projection Possibly Formerly : Magneto has occasionally been said to be able to manifest an astral projection of himself. However, like all formerly attributed psychic powers, this has been retconned out of existence at least once, and hasn't been used by Magneto since the "Silver Age" chronologically speaking , possibly implying any such abilities were lost during his regression to childhood by Mutant Alpha.
Telepathic Resistance : Magneto has trained himself extensively for fighting telepaths, and is resistant to all but the strongest telepathic attack. This training is similar to that given to the X-Men and New Mutants by Professor X, although the effects are further augmented with the aid of his helmet see below , and additionally his own Electromagnetic powers which has shown evidence of countering, dampening and even outright stopping any form of telepathy.
Additionally, Magneto is possessed of a strong will, which also aids him in resisting telepathic assaults. Genius-level Intellect : A mastermind, Magneto is a genius within various scientific fields.
He is an expert on genetic engineering and mutation, with knowledge far beyond that of contemporary science. He can mutate humans in order to give them superhuman powers, instill genetic mind-control, create adult clones of human beings, and then manipulate the genetic structures of these clones during their development.
He has designed magnetically-powered aircraft and spacecraft, complex robots and computers, and magnetically-powered generators and created artificial living beings, space stations said to possess technology even Reed Richards would envy, and machines capable of nullifying mutant powers within a radius of several miles. Military Training : Magneto is a skilled strategist and has more than a rudimentary knowledge of hand-to-hand combat.
Excellent Strategist : Magneto is an excellent strategist, both in actual battles and games of chess. Physical Condition : Magneto's ability to wield his superhuman powers effectively is dependent upon his physical condition. When severely injured, his body is unable to withstand the strain of manipulating great amounts of energy. When his powers are not at their peak, he also appears to have greater difficulty controlling forces other than magnetism.
There is a possibility that Magneto simply has a genetic predisposition to magnetism that simply makes it easy for him to manipulate it. He is also susceptible to physical and mental fatigue that can ultimately affect his ability to adequately use his powers. Magneto's helmet is built to shield his mind from psychic probes and manipulation. The costume that Magneto wears is actually a type of armor that he has created through the use of his magnetic powers.
The costume is actually an amalgam of various lightweight, but highly durable, metallic alloys that further protects him from many forms of physical injury. In the past, Magneto has used a number of exotic aerial vehicles of his own design.
He is also fully capable of flying under his own power, which he tends to do most of the time. Magneto relies primarily on his natural powers, although he has occasionally used magnetically-powered devices he invented, such as his machine for inducing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions from afar. Magneto used to employ mechanisms for magnifying his own powers, but, since his rejuvenation, he no longer needs them.
After he starts his solo mission against the treats to mutantkind in Magneto Volume 3 , he starts wearing a black, shoulder-less costume, with white lines, an inverted colored version of the white one he used during his tenure with Cyclops' X-Men at the New Xavier School of Mutants.
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